wind generation

Industry Roadblocks May Halt Renewable Energy Growth Juggernaut

Renewable energy saw a significant boost globally in the past few years on the back of rising awareness about trimming the effects of climate change and global warming. Moreover, many countries globally, including India, are taking an active part in increasing the share of renewables, especially, solar in their energy mix. However, there are many […]

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Plunging Costs of Lithium-Ion Batteries on the Verge of Displacing Coal, Gas

Two technologies that were immature and expensive only a few years ago but are now at the center of the unfolding low-carbon energy transition have seen spectacular gains in cost-competitiveness in the last year. The latest analysis by research company BloombergNEF shows that the benchmark levelised cost of electricity, or LCOE, for lithium-ion batteries has […]

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Can Power Storage Become a Real Option for Managing Demand Peaks and Troughs? 

Power Storage – Need of an Hour Nowadays, electricity is generated from many sources including renewable energy, as most of the economies globally are rigorously shifting towards clean and green sources of power generation such as – solar and wind. However, energy generation from different sources has variable outputs. Hence, power storage technologies have immense […]

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Driving Greater Efficiency Through Technological Innovation

Technological excellence can change the world as history testifies from the steam engine and the telephone, to the airplane and the internet, many successful inventions have relied on smarter use of technology to transform how we live, work, travel and communicate. It’s marvellous how these inventions have become so integral to our lives – and […]

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ARENA Finances Project to Examine Viability of Using RE in Metal Production

ARENA is funding Element 25’s project to examine the viability of producing metals using renewable energy sourced from wind and solar farms. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), on behalf of the Australian government has granted $490,000 in funding to mining and metals company Element 25 Limited (E25) to examine the viability of using renewable […]

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India Leaps 2 Places to Surpass China in WEF Clean Energy Index

India has moved up two places to rank 76th on a global energy transition index, which ranked 115 economies on how well they are able to balance energy security and access with environmental sustainability and affordability. In the clean energy race, Sweden remains on the top on this annual list compiled by Geneva-based World Economic […]

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India, China and US Account For 70% of Rise in Energy Demands: IEA

IEA’s new report reveals that India, China and the US accounted for 70% of the global rise in energy demands last year, as demands were at a 10 year high. India, China, and the US together accounted for nearly 70 percent of the global rise in energy demands in 2018, according to a new report “The Global […]

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The Sunshine Sector’s Gender Challenge

Why the solar sector needs to have more women As yet another International Women’s Day (IWD) came around on 8th March this year, the theme this year was ‘Balance for Better’- A balanced world is a better world. That got us thinking about the solar sector in India. The many industry conferences with their rare […]

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South Pacific’s Biggest Solar Plant to Help Tonga Meet Renewable Energy Target

Spread over three sites, the solar plant will be the second biggest in the Pacific and the second that TPL has established with an independent power producer. The largest solar plant in the south Pacific will be built in Tonga through the country’s second commercially financed public-private partnership (PPP) after an agreement was signed in […]

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