wind energy

NRL Tests Autonomous ‘Soaring with Solar’ Concept

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Vehicle Research Section and Photovoltaic Section are building on the proven concept of autonomous cooperative soaring of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Their research investigates the presence of solar photovoltaics (PV) to the cooperative autonomous soaring techniques, which enables long endurance flights of unmanned sailplanes that use the […]

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LG Unveils Its Highest Power Residential Solar Module With Enhanced Performance

The LG NeON R is LG’s highest power module for residential installation, with a power output up to 365W. LG Electronics has introduced its most powerful and energy efficient solar module technology at Solar Power International 2017 in the form of the LG NeON R. The new residential module, available in the US this month, […]

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State distribution companies (discoms) are biggest obstacle on open access for solar power

Open access (OA) was one of the main components of the Electricity Act (2003), introduced in an effort to attract private investment in the electricity generation sector, thereby encouraging competition. There is an increasing opportunity to innovate in solar markets in India thanks to the rapidly declining price of photovoltaics (PV). While large-scale ground-mounted solar […]

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World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant is Now Live

The largest floating solar power plant in the world is now officially in operation. Located in the city of Huainan in the Anhui province in China, the system has a power output capacity of 40 megawatts, which isn’t huge by today’s standards, but was just a decade ago. Floating solar farms have several advantages, not […]

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Global Solar Investment to be Higher than Coal, Gas and Nuclear Combined in 2017: Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan forecasts the global solar investment to be higher than coal, gas and nuclear combined in 2017. With prices for both solar and wind continuing to decline, renewable investment keeps booming at the expense of traditional power generation. Lower project costs and continued regulatory support for renewable energy in key markets will see […]

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Rural Electrification & Solar

India is blessed with huge amount of natural resources. It observes around 300 sunny days a year on an average highlighting a huge potential of solar energy in India. Solar energy could play an important role in alleviating energy poverty. India receives solar radiation of 5 to 7 kWh/m2 for 300 to 330 days in […]

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Solar Power Expected to Exceed Thermal Output by 2027

Economic Survey suggests that India’s installed power capacity is 327 GW of which thermal power from coal comprises 192.16 GW or 55% of the total, while renewable energy capacity is 57.26 MW or 18% of the total. India’s renewable energy programme is proceeding at such a rapid pace that its contribution to total power generation […]

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Scientists have developed new ‘smart’ sunglasses that can generate electric power

Scientists have designed new ‘smart’ solar glasses incorporated with coloured, semi-transparent organic solar cells that can generate electric power Scientists have designed new ‘smart’ solar glasses incorporated with coloured, semi-transparent organic solar cells that can generate electric power enough to operate devices such as hearing aids or step counters. Organic solar cells are flexible, transparent, […]

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