what is solar power

$100 Million Manufacturing Units Enters Karnataka

US based Triton Solar has conferred a venture of $100 million to set up a nanotechnology-powered solar panel assembling in Karnataka. The concurrence was endorsed between Karnataka’s Addl. Chief Secretary (commerce and industries) K Ratna Prabha and Triton Solar Founder / CEO Himanshu B Patel in New York recently. The New Jersey-based Triton Solar produced […]

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76,000 of LED Lamps to Light Up Streets of Rural Uttar Pradesh

More than 800 provincial towns in Uttar Pradesh and known to be India’s most crowded locale will be lit with 76,000 solar based road lighting units supported by Philips Lighting. The blueprint is drawn jointly by the state Chief Minister, Philips Lighting and the Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency. Krishnan Pallassana, Director […]

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Is Alternative Energy the “Game Changer” for India – A look back!

The energy of the sun and the rays produced are significantly essential for life. Now that’s elementary, what about transforming sunlight into electricity power by directly using the photovoltaic (PV) process or indirectly using the concentrated solar power (CSP) process? Today, these types of energy process from sunlight have immaculate applications and benefits for the […]

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