what is solar energy

Norway’s GPFG Sovereign Fund Permitted to Invest $14Bn in Unlisted Renewables

The Government is allowing for the Government Pension Fund Global to be invested in unlisted renewable energy infrastructure under the dedicated environmental mandates. Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), the world’s largest at more than $1 trillion, will soon be able to invest in unlisted renewable energy infrastructure projects, such as wind power plants and solar […]

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USITC Begins Investigation Into Hanwha’s Patent Lawsuit

The US International Trade Commission (USITC) has acknowledged Hanwha’s request and is launching an investigation into the alleged patent infringement by Chinese companies JinkoSolar and Longi Solar as well as Norway’s REC Group. The USITC’s chief administrative law judge will now assign the case to one of the administrative law judges (ALJ), who, in turn, […]

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MYSUN Secures 11MW New Orders from Mah, Raj; Expands Presence to 7 States

Adding to its presence in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, the company added industrial and institutional clients in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in FY 2018-19. One of the leading players in the rooftop solar space, MYSUN has received new orders aggregating 11 MW from Maharashtra and Rajasthan states in past 30 […]

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$1 Bn Green Finance Facility Launched to Boost ASEAN Green Infra Investments

The new facility will provide loans and necessary technical assistance for sovereign green infrastructure projects such as sustainable transport, clean energy, and resilient water systems. Southeast Asian governments, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and major development financiers have launched the “ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility”, a new initiative to spur more than $1 billion in […]

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Sharp Launches 3 New Mono-PERC Modules With 19.1% Efficiency

Sharp has unveiled three new high-efficiency mono-PERC solar panels. These range from 300 W to 370 W, and the five-busbar modules are designed for use in a range of applications, from residential PV projects to large commercial installations. Japnese electronic giant Sharp adds that all three modules, the NU-AH370, NU-AK310 and NU-AK300B, can be mounted […]

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World Bank Grants $148Mn to Finance Access to Electricity in Mozambique

The World Bank has approved an $82 million grant to increase access to electricity in five of the poorest provinces of Mozambique, including Niassa, Nampula, Zambezia, Cabo Delgado and Sofala. The project is also supported through a $66 million Multi-Donor Trust Fund administered by the Bank. With the potential to benefit about 1.5 million people, […]

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India Should Evaluate BESS as a Viable Storage Tech

The US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) has said that grid-connected battery-based energy storage system (BESS) should be evaluated more actively as a commercial storage technology for grid services, as it offers superior performance and a declining price trend in the future.  “In the 21st century, India’s symbol of national pride should be its grid that […]

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