what is solar energy

Jolywood Sends Letter to United States International Trade Commission

Jolywood submitted letter in response to US-based solar manufacturer Suniva’s request for the USITC to launch an investigation into the protection measures of global crystalline silicon photovoltaic products for import to the United States Jolywood Solar Technology Co. Ltd. recently submitted a letter to the United States International Trade Commision (USITC). Jolywood’s letter was in response […]

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Scientists developed greener and cheaper way to make single-crystalline semiconductor films

Researchers at University of Michigan (UM) in the US invented a method to simultaneously synthesise and deposit crystalline semiconductor films from water at room temperatures using equipment that can be assembled for just a few dollars.  Scientists have developed a greener and cheaper way to make single-crystalline semiconductor films, components at the heart of our […]

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Manz AG Completes Sale of Manz CIGS Technology for EUR 50 Million

A globally active high-tech equipment manufacturer with a comprehensive technology portfolio, Manz AG has sold Manz CIGS Technology for EUR 50 million. Manz AG, a globally active high-tech equipment manufacturer with a comprehensive technology portfolio in its three strategic business units Solar, Electronics, and Energy Storage, has received the purchase price of EUR 50 million […]

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SECI issues NIT for the engagement of Agency for hiring of Professional Support Staff at its registered office

Last date for submission of the bid for engagement of Agency for hiring of Professional Support Staff at Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) is 5th June 2017. Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) is inviting bids from the eligible Bidders/Firms/Agencies to participate in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for “The engagement of […]

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Google’s Project Sunroof Launched in Germany

A solar power initiative started by Google engineer Carl Elkin, Project Sunroof stated purpose is “mapping the planet’s solar power potential, one roof at a time, and now it has been launched in Germany. Google’s Project Sunroof, which estimates whether homes get enough sunlight to switch over to solar power, has been launched in Germany. […]

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Market Regulator SEBI Finalizes Norms for Issuance and Listing of Green Bonds

SEBI had proposed a new framework for issuance and listing of green bonds more than a year ago, and this will help in raising funds from capital markets for investment in the renewable energy space. Regulator SEBI has finalized norms for issuance and listing of green bonds, which will help in raising funds from capital […]

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Financial Embroils Yingli, Seeks New Committee to Repay Debts

Embroiling Chinese solar PV manufacturer Yingli Green Energy is finding no space for air. The company has announced the formation of a special committee which will consider potential debt repayment solutions. Once one of the world’s leading solar PV manufacturers, Yingli Green Energy (aka Yingli Solar) has only managed to see its reputation fall further […]

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Secret to Hit 40GW

Government of India has rightly made rooftop solar power one of its top clean energy priorities. In 2014, the government revised the national solar installation target from 22 GW to an aggressive 100 GW by 2022 which is helping the country to become one of the world’s fastest-growing solar markets. The 100 GW target was […]

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