what is renewable energy

Quercus and Swiss Life Asset Managers acquires Antin Solar Investments and its Solar Photovoltaic Asset Portfolio

Quercus Assets Selection and Swiss Life Asset Managers have announced the successful completion of deal to acquire Antin Solar Investments (ASI) and its 77.1 MW Solar Photovoltaic Asset Portfolio in 50:50 joint ventures. ASI now operates as Azienda Solare Italiana Spa. Last year on December 18, the joint venture called Quercus Swiss Life Italian Solar […]

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CEO of SEIA Rhone Resch stepping down after 12 years of leadership

Rhone Resch has announced to step down as President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on May 31st, 2016. SEIA will name an interim leader and begin the executive search process before his departure. Chairman of SEIA’s board of directors- Nat Kreamer has expressed the association’s gratitude to Rhone for his accomplishments as […]

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Panasonic launches two high-performance photovoltaic HIT modules

Panasonic has launched two high-efficiency solar photovoltaic HIT modules — including high-efficiency 96 cell panels. The photovoltaic modules from house of Panasonic HIT N330 and N325 achieves up to 36% higher yield per square foot, and help lower the installation and balance of system costs per KW over conventional panels. The panels use a hetero-junction […]

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Rays Power wins 10 MW solar project in Karnataka

Rays Power Experts has announced that it won a 10 MW project of Karnataka Renewable Energy Development (KREDL) under states solar scheme. The company will set up the project using Poly Crystalline Technology at Chikkabalapura district of Karnatak at a tariff of Rs 5 per unit under PPA. Rays Power Experts will execute the power […]

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HP tapped less than one per cent of its solar power potential CAG

Comptroller and Auditor General of India in its report said that Himachal Pradesh has been able to tap less than one per cent of its solar power potential. According to the report HP has installed 3.29 MW solar power till March 2015 against its potential of 33,000 MW. The report also stated that Himachal Pradesh […]

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In conversation with Shourrya Sachdeva, Assistant Manager- Marcom, Su-Kam

The technology-driven company Su-Kam has new products in the offing as demand for renewable energy, particularly rooftop solar power systems, take off. Shourrya Sachdeva,Assistant Manager- Marcom, Su-Kam takes us through the product portfolio and shares company’s strategies to befit in the Indian market.

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Indian Banks edgy, as Solar Companies fails to deliver

What could make Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plans of capitalizing $100 billion of solar power from foreign investments edgy? Indeed, an In-Flow and Out-Flow leeway of Investment and Finance. The global renowned US Company, SunEdison standstill on at least $1.4 billion of loans and credit facilities, is seeking to sell as much as 1 gigawatt(GW) […]

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Hindustan Power commissions 30 MW solar farm in the Mansa district of Punjab

The clean energy arm of Hindustan Power has commissioned a 30 MW solar farm in Mansa district of Punjab. The company has invest Rs. 200 crore for the mid-sized, grid-connected solar farm to tap the solar energy potential of the stateestimated at 4-7 KWH/ of solar insolation levels—and enable Punjab to achieve its renewable purchase […]

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