what is solar energy

DHI Increases Incentives for Electric Two Wheelers Under FAME II

In a constant push towards dynamic electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the country, the Department of Heavy Industries (DHI) has brought up some partial modifications in the FAME II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India Phase II). DHI has increased the demand incentives by 50 percent for the electric two-wheeler (E2Ws). Hence, […]

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GE Renewable to Dismantle Decommissioned Wind Turbines in Germany

California-based GE Renewable Energy and German company Neowa GmbH have signed an MoU for a multi-year agreement to dismantle decommissioned Germany-based onshore wind turbines and recycle a variety of components—including blades—during partial and full repowering, contributing to the lifecycle circularity of the wind industry. The companies will also jointly explore the potential to expand Neowa’s unique […]

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Gujarat Tenders For 16,417 Battery Operated Two & Three Wheelers

The Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) has invited EOI (Expression of Interest) for Authorization of Manufacturers for marketing & distribution of battery-operated, low Speed & high-speed Two and Three-Wheelers with Lithium-Ion battery, under Gujarat’s GEDA BOV scheme.  GEDA has invited separate EOIs for battery-operated 11000 two-wheelers and 5,417 three-wheelers (E-rickshaw) under the subsidy for the year […]

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Solis Seminar- Solution For PID Recovery

Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a phenomenon which affects some PV modules with crystalline Si cells and leads to gradual deterioration of performance. The degradation can be as much as 30% or more after a few years. Some module manufacturers are already working to develop countermeasures by using new materials, but the general trend to […]

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Enel Green Power Begins Operating South America’s Largest Wind Farm

One of the leading power and renewables companies, Enel Green Power has announced that it has begun the commercial operations of the 716 MW Lagoa dos Vento’s wind farm in Brazil. It is the largest wind facility currently in operation in South America and Enel Green Power’s largest wind farm worldwide. Enel invested around 3 […]

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Methane Could be a Greater Source of Power In US

Natural gas is an important source of power in the United States. An estimated 300,000 miles of pipeline transport natural gas across the country, while thousands of gathering, processing, and storage facilities prepare and store the gas for end users. One of the natural gases, Methane (CH4) is studied and proven to be 80 times […]

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Sale of Electricity in Futures Market will Benefit RE Investors: IEEFA

The introduction of derivatives to India’s short-term power market will make it easier for renewable project developers to enter into offtake arrangements with state-owned distribution companies (discoms), finds a new briefing note from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). “The launch of new financial instruments will enable developers to hedge their offtaker […]

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Norway’s Wind Catching Systems Unveils 1000 ft Tall Multi-turbine Floater

Is the basic design used in offshore wind production today the right one? Is a technology based on that of old Dutch corn mills truly the most efficient method for offshore wind power production? Is the current technology, while performing well on land and bottom-fixed offshore developments, the best system on a floater? These are […]

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ISGF Report Supports Interlinking of Grids in GCC, SAARC & ASEAN area

A new report entitled ‘Interconnection of Regional Grids of ASEAN, SAARC/BIMSTEC and GCC Regions’, released by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), argues that myriad benefits are to be gained from interconnecting smaller power systems — the GCC, SAARC/BIMSTEC and ASEAN region in particular — to form a large power pool or regional grid in terms of […]

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