
MNRE Proposes Obligatory Glass Recycling for Solar Power Generators

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is considering to make mandatory for solar power developers to follow glass recycling procedure for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels under a new framework. “Recycling of end of life solar panel glass containing Antimony may be made mandatory on the generators as part of environmental liability” said the […]

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High Power – Low Price: New Duracell Chhota Power™ Alkaline Batteries

Guaranteed to last 1-year in TV & Set-Top Box remotes for just Rs. 17 a battery! Compared to Heavy Duty Zinc-Carbon batteries, Duracell Chhota Power™ batteries extend your TV viewing time for just a few Rupees more! Every day, millions of families across India enjoy watching their favourite TV shows or the latest breaking news. […]

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Interview with Rajendra Kumar Parakh, CFO, Vikram Solar

Availability of Domestic Finance at Viable Cost is Still a Distant Dream The only challenge that we can foresee is in terms of availability of finance and cost of finance available for renewable energy sector. Sources of finance for both solar manufacturing industry and solar deployment industry are scarce, a large part of funding comes […]

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Interview with Mohua Mukherjee, Program Ambassador Pro-Bono, International Solar Alliance

Next Generation Women will have Opportunities to Involve in Different Parts of Solar Value Chain Women of the next generation will have opportunities to be involved in many different parts of the solar value chain, including designing these new, energy-efficient solar gadgets or appliances, as well. We just need to start their familiarity with solar […]

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Fortum Solves Major EV Sustainability Issue – Boosting Battery Recycling Rate to Over 80%

The company achieved the recycling rate of over 80% with a low-CO2 hydrometallurgical recycling process. A new solution by Nordic clean energy company Fortum makes over 80% of the electric vehicle (EV) battery recyclable, returns the scarce metals back into circulation and resolves the sustainability gap by reducing the need to mine cobalt, nickel, and […]

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China’s Ambitious Solar Power Space Project is a bet on the future

China plans to have a solar power station orbiting the earth at 36,000 km, allowing it to tap the energy of the sun’s rays without interference from the atmosphere or loss of sunlight. According to Chinese media, the country is working on plans to build a solar farm in space. The project is hugely ambitious […]

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UK Augments Funding for African RE Projects by £30 million

Harriett Baldwin, the UK Minister for Africa, announced additional new funding to give more people and companies across Africa access to affordable, clean energy. Minister Ms. Harriett Baldwin announced that the new funding will see £30 million added to the Transforming Energy Access program, taking total British investment to £100 million, and allowing it to […]

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