viability gap funding

ARENA Receives $1 Bn in Grant Requests for Green Hydrogen Projects

More than $3 billion worth of green hydrogen projects are vying for $1 billion in funding to build the first commercial-scale hydrogen projects in Australia More than $3 billion worth of green hydrogen projects are vying for close to $1 billion in funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to build the first commercial-scale […]

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Clean Energy Flunks The Easy Financing Test

For a Sector that requires one of the largest sustained funding requirements in decades, financing for clean energy investments in India has had a rocky ride. The three year lock-in for developers is the most recent obstacle. Bankability. That’s a word that is highlighted proudly across the solar chain, and whose value can never be […]

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The Potholes of 2019 for India’s Solar Drive

Looking back at 2019, there is absolutely no doubt today, that it has not been a memorable year for Solar power in India. Generators or manufacturers. With a closing installation figure of barely 7 GW as tracked by us, almost every hope from 2018 has been belied. The bad part? Some of the biggest obstacles […]

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Missing The Sunshine – Mini Grids in India

Even as the solar story develops in India, there is a part of the sector that has quietly been working and making an impact in its own way. Yes, Mini Grids and even micro grids, in the limited opportunities they have had in the country, have made a strong case for themselves. Serving areas that […]

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Financing Indian Sun

After out-passing teething troubles related to GST implementation, India firmly cements it’s place as the fastest growing major economy in the world by clocking GDP growth rate of 7.7 per cent during the January to March quarter of FY 18. India, being the Asia’s third-largest economy, clinched this position after surpassing China’s 6.8 per cent […]

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Key technology trends shaping the Global Solar Industry

Innovation in Finance When asked about the direction of innovation in financing for clean energy Manish Chaurasia, Managing Director, Tata Cleantech Capital Ltd. (TCCL) said, there is a lot of innovation happening in clean energy financing on a global scale. From securitization of assets to setting up of yield to monetize and plough back capital, […]

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