uttar pradesh

Maharashtra, UP gets Tough Solar Targets for 2022

The MNRE has recently handed over red-letters to solar-friendly states underlining targets and deadline for renewable energy generation and absorption. The letter pronounces Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh into the challenging solar energy targets by 2022, asserting Maharashtra to increase 30 times solar capacity to its existing 378.7 MW generating 11,926 MW. UP also has a […]

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Bihar Sign MoU under “UDAY” Scheme, becomes the Sixth State

Bihar to become the sixth state to benefit from the UDAY scheme, as the Government of India, the State of Bihar and the DISCOMs of Bihar (North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited, and South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for operational and financial turnaround of the DISCOMs. Bihar is the […]

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CPWD to Generate 42.50MW of Green Energy in the Capital

After the COP 21 Paris meet, Modi government has planned to keep the focus on utilization of renewable energy from 2016. As a part of the promotional program of Green Energy, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) said that, ‘It plans to produce 42.50MW of solar power across the country besides replacing energy inefficient electrical […]

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U.P Solar Auction Goes to Adani Power and Azure Power

Adani Power and Azure Power have won the most recent auction for solar energy ventures with offers of Rs 4.78 per unit, which is higher than the previous month record (Rs 4.34 per unit). Prayatna Developers, a division of Adani Power and Azure Power have been assigned 50MW at the same cost. In the past […]

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Yamaha India to Transform its Surajpur Unit with Solar Power

The Japanese automobile major, Yamaha is aiming to consume low energy by opting solar energy as the prime way of energy sustainability. The company has recently announced a 4,000 KW solar power project at its facility in Surajpur, Uttar Pradesh. The Indian body, Yamaha has join forces with solar service provider Amplus Solar for installation, […]

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Su-Kam Aims to Empower With Solar Village Lives

Recently, Su-Kam released a documentary, highlighting the enormous work-embraced to solarize the remote villages of the nation. The company is altering the lives of numerous numbers of people in the remote towns of the nation by leveraging power through solar energy. The future of many people living in countryside areas, for example Patewara in Uttar […]

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Strategies Launched for Acquiring Solar Energy Earmarks – MNRE

India is holding the biggest renewable capacity extension program on the planet. The Centre has taken up several strategies for acquiring Solar Energy earmarks; targets of 20,000 MW of solar power proposed to be introduced in the nation 2022. Off-Grid Housetop: Programed to install 40GW solar rooftop programs where Grid is now exist. 15% Government […]

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UP Govt. and Central Couches to Empower Green Energy – Herald Projects in Kaiserbagh

After Uttar Pradesh state government mulls on Smart City initiative, Lucknow Municipal Corporation declares to send the smart city proposal to Central Govt. The project will introduce solar panels on building tops of significant government structures in Kaiserbagh for providing efficient power and make the zone confident on electricity availability. Energy created from the solar […]

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Every Indian District Soon To Host One Model Solar Village

Every district of the country is now all set to host one model solar village. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has now come out with detailed guidelines to make this a reality. As per the norms, these model solar villages will be developed as components of the PM Surya Ghar scheme with […]

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