uses of solar energy

Majority of New Renewables Beat Cheapest Fossil Fuel on Cost: IRENA

The share of renewable energy that achieved lower costs than the most competitive fossil fuel option doubled in 2020, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows. 162 gigawatts (GW) or 62 per cent of total renewable power generation added last year had lower costs than the cheapest new fossil fuel option. […]

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GoodWe To Produce One million Units Per Year Post Expansion

PV Inverter manufacturer GoodWe has announced a major manufacturing  expansion to up to one million units per year in phase II of its Guangde manufacturing facility in China. The firm, ranked as the leading storage inverter firm in the world by Wood Mackenzie, has a strong presence across categories in solar. The company hosted the […]

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Sri Lanka To Purchase 75% Equipment from India For India-funded Projects

Recently, we reported that India extended a USD 100 million Line of Credit (LOC) to Sri Lanka for various solar energy projects. Now, for those solar projects, Sri Lanka will purchase the equipment and materials from India itself. That USD 100 million LOC is a 15-year loan of a fixed rate of 1.75% and that […]

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After Capacity Battle, Shifting Renewables’ Focus to Generation Key, Says REN21

Even though renewables added 83% of new power capacity in 2020, their share in global electricity generation increased by only 2.7%, shows a new report by REN21, a think tank and a multi stakeholder governance group focused on renewable energy policy. The Renewables 2021 Global Status Report finds that despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, renewable […]

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The Place of Renewables in India’s Future Power Grid

Indian power sector, one of the largest in the world, comprises one synchronised national grid that serves the entire nation. In the last decade, the transmission system has expanded from 2.4 L circuit kilometres in 2011 to 4.4 L circuit kilometres in 2021, with inter-regional transfer capacity growing to 105 GW. A recent energy event […]

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DHI Increases Incentives for Electric Two Wheelers Under FAME II

In a constant push towards dynamic electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the country, the Department of Heavy Industries (DHI) has brought up some partial modifications in the FAME II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India Phase II). DHI has increased the demand incentives by 50 percent for the electric two-wheeler (E2Ws). Hence, […]

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Solis Seminar- Solution For PID Recovery

Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a phenomenon which affects some PV modules with crystalline Si cells and leads to gradual deterioration of performance. The degradation can be as much as 30% or more after a few years. Some module manufacturers are already working to develop countermeasures by using new materials, but the general trend to […]

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ReneSola Unveils TWIN 3.0 Series of Modules at SNEC 2021

At the SNEC PV POWER EXPO 2021, in Shanghai New International Expo Center, ReneSola (backed by the Zhongnan Group, a large conglomerates in China) unveiled new product series TWIN 3.0 and achieved many cooperative agreements to strengthen its supply chain further. TWIN 3.0, which is said to have a power rating upto 550Wp with efficiency […]

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Huawei At SNEC- Off Grid Solutions, Mytileneos Tie-Up and More

Huawei, always a towering presence at SNEC Shanghai as the largest inverter seller in the world, has marked the 2021 edition with a slew of announcements and launches. Doing the honors early was Peng Jianhua, President of Site Power Facility, Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd. He released the full series of comprehensive off-grid fuel […]

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