use of solar energy

Lockdown to Impact Power Demand, Cash Flows for Discoms: ICRA

The COVID-19 lockdown will adversely impact power demand, cash flows for Discoms leading to payment delays for Gencos and transmission firms, as per ICRA The lockdown announced by the government to control the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will adversely impact electricity power demand, and cash flows for distribution companies (Discoms) – leading to payment delays for power generation and […]

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Western Turbine OEMs Challenged to Gain Market Share in China: WoodMac

Western turbine OEMs are struggling to compete amidst intense turbine pricing competition as China moves towards wind grid parity targets by 2020 Western turbine OEMs are struggling to compete amidst intense turbine pricing competition as China moves towards wind grid parity targets by 2020. It has been reported that in the 6 GW auction for […]

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E-Bike Startup Zypp Sets up Battery Swapping Stations in Gurugram

EV startup Zypp has announced that it has made its foray in battery swapping for EVs. The firm has installed 15 battery swapping stations in Gurugram Electric vehicle (EV) startup Zypp has announced that it has made its foray in battery swapping for EVs. The firm has installed 15 battery swapping stations in Gurugram. As […]

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Peak Power Demand Continues Fall, Down 28% Since March 20

Peak power demand in the country dipped over 28% to 117.76 GW on Saturday – March 28, as compared to 163.72 GW on March 20 Peak power demand in the country dipped over 28 percent to 117.76 gigawatts (GW) on Saturday – March 28, 2020, as compared to 163.72 GW on March 20, showing the impact of nationwide lockdown […]

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JSW Group, Adani Contribute Rs 100 Cr Each to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic

The JSW Group and the Adani Foundation have pledged to contribute Rs 100 crore each to the PM-CARES Fund to combat the Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19). The JSW Group and the Adani Foundation, both key firms’ in India’s energy and specifically renewable energy sector have pledged to contribute Rs 100 crore each to the Prime Minister’s […]

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BYD Launches Blade Battery, set to Redefine EV Safety Standards

BYD has officially announced the launch of the Blade Battery, a development set to mitigate concerns about battery safety in electric vehicles (EV). BYD has officially announced the launch of the Blade Battery, a development set to mitigate concerns about battery safety in electric (EV). At an online launch event themed “The Blade Battery – […]

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From 7 Paise Per KwH To Ownership. On SECI’s Future Plans

Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) CMD, Mr J S Swain, has been quoted in a recent interview to the Economic Times as saying that SECI plans to move to become a developer itself, with a first target of setting up 5000 MW of Solar-Wind hybrid projects in the coming decade. That announcement is a […]

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Delta – Battery Powered Generator

Product Brief: The DELTA is a technological, environmental, and experiential innovation in personal power use. Requiring no gas, emitting no pollution and no noise. Product Features: Bring DELTA to any party or into your living room and power up to 13 devices simultaneously. DELTA’s system includes four regular USB ports, two 60-watt USB-C ports plus […]

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Auctions Designed in Innovative Ways Can Help Achieve Specific Country Goals: Sukhwinder Pal Singh

One of the main trends to procure renewables-based electricity at the lowest price -while fulfilling other objectives- is the use of auctions. Auctions designed in innovative ways can help to achieve specific country goals, beyond solely procuring electricity at the lowest price. These goals might include ensuring greater participation of communities or other new and […]

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