
Over 1,500 Customers Apply for Duke Energy’s North Carolina Solar Incentives

For an installation of 10 kW or less, the customers will receive a rebate of 60 percent per watt of solar energy production. More than 1,500 customers from North Carolina have applied to redeem incentives of Duke Energy’s Solar Rebate Program. The customers will receive incentives for installing private solar energy systems in first few […]

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Chinese Solar Panels Dumping Causes Loss of 2 Lakh Jobs: Report

The loss of jobs came on the heels of disproportion in the trade patterns between India and China and a faulty implementation of interest safeguarding policies. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce estimated loss of 2 lakh jobs in the country due to dumping of Chinese solar panels. The loss of jobs came on the […]

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Scientists Use Plant Bacteria to Harness Sunlight

The experiment is based on the principal of bacteria’s dye that converts solar energy into potential food for the plant. Seeking technical advancement in solar cells, scientists from University of British Colombia used the bacteria of plants, which is responsible for photosynthesis, to collect solar energy. The experiment is based on the principal of bacteria’s […]

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Goldi Green Offers Free Insurance to Residential Rooftop Solar Plant Customers

The company is providing free insurance to its residential rooftop solar plant customers as it believes that a solar power plant is an important long-term investment for a customer and insuring it against unforeseen calamities & accidents is equally important as well. One of the leading solar PV module maker, Goldi Green said that it […]

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Orissa HC Issues Stay Order on Safeguard Duty on Solar Imports until August 20

The move came after the Directorate General of Trade Restrictions (DGTR) had recommended, last week, that safeguard duty on solar imports from China and Malaysia should be imposed for 2 years in a phased manner i.e. 25 percent for the first year, 20 percent for the first six months of the second year, and 15 […]

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Tender for DSIR’s 1000 MW Solar Project likely in August

Out of the planned 5000 MW of solar power project establishment in DSIR, the authorities decided to roll out 1000 MW tender as the first phase of the project. The overall cost of power plant project is estimated at Rs 25,000 crore and spread across 11000 hectares. Government is likely to roll out the 1000 […]

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ISRO Satellites Soon to Run on Indigenous Solar Cells

Critical for a satellite’s lifespan in the space, these solar cells were till now being procured from some of private space solar cell manufacturers in the U.S. In another push to the Indian solar industry, Government of India’s Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has finally bought the technology to build space solar cells in India. […]

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