transmission system

Best Practices for Solar Rooftop

How to Choose the Best Solar System for Your Roof Being a tropical country, India is blessed to have a good amount of access to natural resources like solar. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over India’s land area with most parts receiving 3-5 kWh per sq. m per day. Based upon […]

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NEPCO Gets $265 Mn EBRD Loan to Bolster Jordan’s Renewable Energy

The loan will strengthen NEPCO’s balance sheet through refinancing of existing short-term debt and will fund vitally needed investments to enhance the capability of the grid to absorb and manage renewable power. Multilateral developmental investment lender European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide a USD 265 million loan to Jordan’s National Electric Power […]

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Rooftop Solar: Democratising Power Generation – One Roof at a Time

Rooftop solar was the fastest-growing segment within India’s renewable energy sector last year, but it is still not growing fast enough. Capacity adwdition in rooftop solar stood at around 870 megawatt (MW) in 2017, a far cry from the ambitious target of 5,000 MW for FY 2017-18. As of December 2017, cumulative rooftop solar installed […]

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Neoen Commissions Australia Largest PV Solar Plant

Connected to TransGrid’s transmission network, the 550 hectare solar park has a power purchase agreement of 12 years with EnergyAustralia. Neoen, a French renewable energy firm, has completed and started commercial operations at its 189MW Coleambally Solar Farm in New South Wales, Australia. Connected to TransGrid’s transmission network, the 550 hectare solar park has a […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Saikat Roy, MD & CEO, MyWay Energy and Lighting India Pvt Ltd

Q. To begin with, please tell our readers more about myWay Solar and its contribution towards clean & green energy. Ravi Renewable and Lighting India Pvt Ltd (RREL) is an organization that tries to understand the pain points of the industry and works towards elimination of those difficulties. We have two divisions – Renewable and […]

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World Bank signs agreement with Jharkhand and Central government for a $310 million loan

The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new power transmission infrastructure To provide affordable, reliable and 24×7 electricity to the citizens of Jharkhand, the state and the central government have signed an agreement with the World Bank for a loan of $310 million. The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new […]

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Instruments to Accelerate the Advent of Energy Storage in India

With all the buzz going around energy storage these days, very often than not it is claimed to be the holy grail of renewable energy. Owing to the intermittency and unpredictability in solar and wind generation, high degree of flexibility in Loads and Sources is needed by the electricity grid for absorbing renewable energy beyond […]

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Tata Power Hosts the 2nd Annual Distribution Utility Meet, 2018

Tata Power, India’s largest integrated power utility hosted the 2nd Annual Distribution Utility Meet, 2018 today in Mumbai. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Arvind Singh, Principal Secretary – Energy, Government of Maharashtra in the presence of Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power and Mr. Reji Kumar Pillai, President, India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF). […]

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Reliable Raw Material: strengthening the back bone of pv module!

Identifying reliable raw material for any product is a crucial to ensure that the product lives for its lifetime. With the competitive market condition along with requirement of being cost competent selecting correct raw material to strive a perfect balance between commercial and technical terms in the product is a challenge. The scenario in case […]

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