
India and Other Emerging Economies Can Unlock Trillions of Dollars in Climate Finance: IFC Global Report

Estimates indicate that India is on track to exceed its target of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions intensity by up to 35 percent by 2030. Developing countries like India can meet climate targets promised in the landmark Paris Agreement by catalyzing trillions of dollars in private investments through a combination of smart policy reforms and innovative business […]

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Indian Solar Power Market Witnesses Change in Demand-Supply Landscape

Lack of visibility over project pipeline is forcing solar power developers to bid aggressive tariffs and reconsider strategic options including consolidation. The Indian solar power market is being tested to its limits. GST has increased execution costs. Module prices have shot up when bidders were factoring in another 20% price decline by the end of […]

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Scatec Solar Closes Financing for 400MW Solar PV Plant in Egypt

The six solar PV projects totaling 400MW involving a total investment of USD 450 million are located in the Benban solar park in Aswan in Upper Egypt. Scatec Solar ASA (SSO) and partners have achieved financial close for six solar PV power plants in Egypt totaling 400 MW. A consortium of international Development Finance Institutions […]

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An Outlook of Solar Technology in India and Necessary Changes in the Roadmap

The solar technologies are emerging and growing sector across the globe, In India with the government initiative of JNNSM the growth of the solar market has been increased exponentially. The average utilityscale LCOE of solar PV have declined by around 50% between 2010 and 2014, and the present lowest power tariff signed by government in […]

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New Solar PV Installations Approaching 100GW in 2017

Bernreuter Research expects a global polysilicon output of 460,000 to 465,000 metric tons (MT), including 30,000 MT of electronic-grade material for the semiconductor industry, in 2017. The newly installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity worldwide will exceed 95GW in 2017, according to the latest forecast of Bernreuter Research. “Supply of the feedstock polysilicon would even allow PV […]

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Grid Management – Re-Balancing Power Generation

Power sector in India has witnessed tremendous growth in its energy demand, generation capacity, transmission and distribution networks. Renewable energy generation in India has been steadily on rise. With 175GW target of clean energy, it became necessary to have a grid that was highly adaptive (in terms of supply and demand). A good electric supply […]

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The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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Key technology trends shaping the Global Solar Industry

Innovation in Finance When asked about the direction of innovation in financing for clean energy Manish Chaurasia, Managing Director, Tata Cleantech Capital Ltd. (TCCL) said, there is a lot of innovation happening in clean energy financing on a global scale. From securitization of assets to setting up of yield to monetize and plough back capital, […]

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Freefall of Solar Bids

The lowest bids can be undermined or loosefit for Indian solar players in front of Chinese majors. Let’s keep it debatable. But the fact not to deny is, solar power tariffs in India are falling at a quantum rate which includes the recent Rs 2.44 per unit bidding for Bhadla Phase-III Solar Park in Rajasthan. […]

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