
RK Singh Comes to Rescue Solar Projects From Uncertainty of Anti-dumping Duty

Extending his support to the industry, the minister mentioned while the decision on anti-dumping duty on solar imports is still undeclared. The Minister of power, new and renewable energy RK Singh commented that the new bidders and the existing solar energy projects should be protected from the uncertainty of antidumping duties on import of low […]

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The first Ever Commissioning of a Solar Power Plant By Voltalia SA Announced in Brazil

The power plant has joined the 2MW thermal unit which is operational since December 2015. The first ever commissioning of a solar power plant by French renewable power plants operator Voltalia SA (EPA:VLTSA) announced in Brazil. The Oiapoque based power plant having a capacity of 4MW was gradually commissioned in October 2017, announced Volatalia in […]

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EkoRE to Install 15 MW solar plant in Ukraine

The Turkish EPC contractor is also planning to install rooftop PV systems on several public buildings of the city of Ochakiv. The City Council of Ochakiv, small city in the Mykolaiv region of southern Ukraine, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Turkish solar and renewable energy project developer Eko Renewable Energy Inc. […]

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Gigawatt-Scale Solar Markets Seen in 13 countries in 2018: GTM Research

GTM Research identifies five new countries (solar markets) poised to install more than a gigawatt of solar annually. As the year 2017 nears to its end, GTM Research report has identified 13 countries of gigawatt-scale solar markets in 2018 that would exceed the 1-GW worth of annual solar PV installations, up from eight in 2017. […]

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World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant to Be Built in Indonesia by UAE’s Masdar and PJB

The plant to be built in about 225 hectares of the Cirata hydroelectric plant reservoir. United Arab Emirates based company Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co (Masdar) and Indonesian power utility’s unit Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) collaborated to build the ‘To Be’ world’s biggest floating photovoltaic plant of 200MW in PJB owned […]

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Rooftop Solar Presents a $23 Billion Opportunity in India: Report

Rooftop solar in India will grow inevitably with or without the support of power distribution utilities According to a new report released by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), India’s 40-GW target for rooftop solar PV by 2022 represents a $23 billion investment opportunity. The report titled, ‘Accelerating India’s Clean Energy Transition,’ which was released at […]

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Investments in Renewable Energy Sector Could Hit $11T By 2040

India and China lead the development in renewable energy investments, accounting for almost 50 percent of new global capacity. Investments in renewable energy (RE) could climb to a cumulative $11 trillion by 2040, mostly in emerging markets, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group. Major reforms […]

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Sudden Imposition of Anti Dumping Duty Can Disrupt Ongoing Solar Projects, Renewable Ministry Cautions

MNRE notification has cautioned Directorate General of Anti Dumping against imposing high solar duties Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has cautioned anti dumping authorities against imposing high duties on imported solar equipment on the grounds that this can increase tariffs, make several projects unviable and seriously hamper the growth of the sector. According […]

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