storage solution

NEXTracker to sell Ideal Power’s SunDial as part of their newly launched NX Fusion Plus

Ideal Power has announced that NEXTracker will be selling its SunDial solar PV plus storage string inverter as part of their newly launched solar plus storage tracker. NEXTracker’s “NX Fusion Plus” will integrate the SunDial together with NEXTracker’s solar tracker, a battery pack, and software to deliver maximum return on investment to solar power plants. […]

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Younicos to design and supply a 49 MW lithium-ion battery system for UK’s largest solar project

Younicos has announced that it has been selected by Centrica to design one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated battery-based energy storage systems. According to the company the 49 megawatt (MW) lithium-ion system that will be completed by winter 2018, will respond to fluctuations in electrical demand in less than a second. The battery […]

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AutoGrid Launches AutoGrid Flex 3.0, With Co-Optimization Capabilities

AutoGrid Systems has launched AutoGrid Flex 3.0, the comprehensive flexibility management solution for demand response (DR) management, distributed energy resource (DER) management and virtual power plants (VPPs). AutoGrid Flex 3.0 application suite features several new energy storage co-optimization capabilities that enable utilities, electricity retailers, renewable energy project developers and other energy service providers to maximize the […]

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Navigant Research Names AutoGrid a Leader in Virtual Power Plant Software

AutoGrid Systems, the Energy Internet leader, announced that Navigant Research has positioned AutoGrid as a Leader in its Navigant Research Leaderboard Report: Virtual Power Plant Software Vendors. Navigant Research also recently named AutoGrid a Leader in its Navigant Research Leaderboard Report: Demand Response Management Systems, making it the only company with the distinction of being […]

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Global power and utilities deal value falls for fourth consecutive quarter in Q3 2016

Global power and utilities deal value continued to decline for the fourth consecutive quarter — falling 8% to US$39.7b in Q3 2016 compared to the previous three months — according to the EY Power transactions and trends Q3 2016 report. Regulated network assets remained the investment of choice for buyers across regional markets seeking stable long-term returns. Transmission and […]

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ABB India signs MoU with IIT Madras to develop multi village microgrid models

As part of the UAY scheme, ABB India and IIT Madras will collaborate to develop a power management system to optimize the operation of multiple micro-grids, with and without grid connection, while managing electricity supply to villages. This system will also enable the integration of individual solar PV rooftops to a village microgrid. The government […]

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Totem to Launch Energy and Communication Platform for Smart Cities soon

Totem has announced an innovative platform for modern companies and communities. The platform includes solar energy and energy storage, WiFi and 4G communications, electric vehicle charging, and smart lighting into a single, powerful product that weaves these capabilities directly into the built environment. Totem is expected to launch the product in summer 2017. “Totem believes […]

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LUT developed new model shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by Paris agreement

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) has developed a new model that shows how an electricity system mainly based on solar and wind works in all regions of the world. The new model also shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by the Paris agreement by using only renewable energy sources.  […]

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