storage batteries

Plummeting Energy Demand to Result in Record Decline in Carbon Emissions: IEA

The COVID-19 pandemic represents the biggest shock to the global energy system with a 6 percent drop in global power demand predicted for this year. A new report has highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic represents the biggest shock to the global energy system in more than seven decades, with the drop in demand this year […]

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Fish Gills Used to Develop Rechargeable Metal-Air Battery

Scientists at INST, Mohali, under DST have come up with an efficient, low-cost electro-catalyst from fish gills that can help develop rechargeable batteries Scientists at the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali, an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, have recently come up with an efficient, low-cost […]

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Nissan Licenses Lithium-ion Battery Technology to APB Corporation

Nissan has licensed its technology to APB Corporation that will allow mass production of lower-cost lithium-ion batteries with increased charging capacity Nissan has licensed an advanced technology to APB Corporation that will allow mass production of lower-cost, safer lithium-ion batteries with increased charging capacity. Backed by investment from major companies, Tokyo-based APB plans to build […]

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SunnyBAG PowerTAB – A Most Effective Power Charger

  Product Brief: The PowerTAB is a portable solar system that claims to finally make you 100 percent independent. Highly efficient solar panels plus batteries which the firm claims to be like in the Tesla Model S. Product Features: The 5-watt SUNPOWER solar panel charges through highly efficient power management consisting of two cells that […]

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Toyota Launches Renewable Venture With Chubu Electric in Japan

Toyota has established Toyota Green Energy with Chubu Electric for the purposes of obtaining and managing renewable energy sources in Japan Toyota Motor Corporation has announced that it has concluded an agreement to establish Toyota Green Energy LLP with Chubu Electric Power and Toyota Tsusho Corporation, for the purposes of obtaining and managing renewable energy […]

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Solar Energy and EV Charging Infrastructure

With the push to move to electric mobility at a national scale, and with the government being very enthusiastic about deployment of electric vehicles, the electronic industry can expect to see a lot of activity around indigenous development and manufacturing. While electric vehicles are being worked upon by major OEMs, an ecosystem for development of […]

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BYD, Toyota Launch Joint Venture to Conduct Battery EV R&D

BYD and Toyota have announced the launch of their JV company to conduct research and development (R&D) of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) BYD Company Ltd and Toyota Motor Corporation have announced that preparations have proceeded since they signed an agreement for the establishment of a joint venture (JV) company to conduct research and development (R&D) […]

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E-Bike Startup Zypp Sets up Battery Swapping Stations in Gurugram

EV startup Zypp has announced that it has made its foray in battery swapping for EVs. The firm has installed 15 battery swapping stations in Gurugram Electric vehicle (EV) startup Zypp has announced that it has made its foray in battery swapping for EVs. The firm has installed 15 battery swapping stations in Gurugram. As […]

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