
US Solar manufacturers raise potential of 30GW mfg capacity for Biden Administration

It seems to be the season for solar manufacturers across countries to expect more. After India, it is the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America (SEMA) Coalition that sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting the United States President to enact policy solutions basis so that the domestic solar manufacturing can sustain in the long […]

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Florida House sends governor contentious bill to end solar net metering

The Florida Legislature has passed bills Florida SB 1024 and HB 741, which will slash off incentives associated with installing rooftop solar panels and curb net metering. The process of net metering provides system owners with the opportunity to gain extra revenue by selling their excess power to the grid while also making up for shortfalls […]

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Trina Solar Picks Australia for Vertex S+ module launch

Trina Solar is launching what it calls ‘a higher power, higher efficiency’ Vertex S+ module in Australia. The development is driven by a record that was set last year for solar module installations in Australia in the rooftop solar segment. Trina Solar says that Vertex S+ is designed specifically for residential rooftops as well as […]

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Global Solar Street Light Market to Grow to $15.7 Billion by 2030

Research firm Astute Analytica has come up with a study which establishes that the global solar street light market was $3.9 billion in 2021 and will reach $15.7 billion by 2030. The global street light market will register a CAGR of 17.12% for the coming 2022-2030 period. Astute Analytica has assigned key reasons for the […]

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SJVN to Build 400 MW Solar Park in Himachal’s Kinnaur region

The state government of Himachal Pradesh is planning to set up a solar power park in Kinnaur district in a quest to expand the renewables share in the energy basket further. The State MPP and Power Minister Sukhram Chaudhary has informed that a proposal to seek consent has been sent to the Central government. The […]

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AISIA rues lack of support from govt, domestic developers for solar manufacturers

Solar manufacturers have highlighted the lack of support from the government and the domestic developers, according to a press note shared by the All India Solar Industries Association (AISIA), the domestic solar manufacturers association, on Wednesday. It added that even though the government has announced several policies to support the players, domestic solar manufacturing continues […]

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Mass-Production ready 28.7% efficient solar cell fabricated in Germany

Q CELLS, a total energy solutions provider in solar, energy storage, downstream project business and energy retail, claims to have set a new world-record tandem cell efficiency of 28.7% in collaboration with researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, a German research centre, using a Q.ANTUM-based silicon bottom cell in combination with a perovskite-based top cell. Q CELLS’ […]

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NTPC Will Help Nine ISA Member Countries in Solar Projects

National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) will act as Project Management Consultant (PMC) for nine countries that are part of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to help them with the implementation of solar power parks and other projects that will make a combined capacity 3,845 MW. NTPC and International Solar Alliance had called up a meeting […]

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