
Monocrystalline Silicon Thin Film Cheaper and Faster to Fabricate

A research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Waseda University have successfully produced high-quality thin film monocrystalline silicon with a reduced crystal defect density down to the silicon wafer level at a growth rate that is more than 10 times higher than before. In principle, this method can improve the raw material […]

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Govt Clears ‘Electrified’ Villages Definition

The Ministry of Power in a statement said that, village electrification is a legacy issue which, though, mandates electrification of at least 10 percent households in a village, but does not imply restricting household electrification only to 10 percent. After government faced criticism from the opposition parties on its claim of achieving complete rural electrification, the […]

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Researchers Find Ways to Generate Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight

A new research, led by Govinder Singh Pawar, who is an Indian origin scientist at the University of Exeter in the UK, has given a ray of hope for the solar fuel. The total energy produced by sunlight in a single hour is equivalent to the mankind’s total energy consumption for one year, but the […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Harsh Thacker, Sr Analyst- MOVE (Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification)

Q. With all automobile companies helming towards Electric Vehicles, demand for energy and suitable ecosystem is the initial glitch, how is IESA working to outpace these snags? Š India has a significant market potential for batteries and electric vehicles. Our analysis projects the EV market potential for India would be around 77 million between now […]

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Metallization Paste for a Constantly Evolving Substrate

Introduction A lot of focus in the Photovoltaics (PV) industry is placed on the performance and reliability of final assembled modules and systems. However, further upstream there are hundreds of critical pieces that need to come together first. With >90% of the world’s installed PV being crystalline silicon-based [1], one of the key components is […]

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SECI Invites Bids for 2000 MW Hybrid Projects

This project is reportedly much larger than the first tender for 16 MW that was issued this January by SECI. The company envisioned setting up a greenfield hybrid project in Andhra Pradesh’s Anantapur district. The results of this bid are yet to be announced. Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) is all set to promulgate its […]

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This has reference to the NIT No. SECI/C&P/EOI/ADVERTISING/042018 publisheddated 26.04.2018 regarding the EoI for Empanelment of Advertising Agencies for Advertising and Publicity Services of Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI). The EoI documents for the captioned NIT which was to be uploaded on 27.04.2018 by 1800 HRS has been postponed till 03.05.2018 by 1800 […]

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India Inks Pact with Guyana for New & Renewable Energy Technologies

The MoU aimed to establish the basis for a cooperative institutional relationship to encourage and promote bilateral technical cooperation on new and renewable energy on the basis of mutual benefit, equality and reciprocity between the two countries. India and Guyana has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote cooperation in developing new and renewable […]

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WTO: India Takes Stand against EU, Japan’s Opposition on Safeguard Duty

India’s preliminary safeguard on imported solar cells drew criticisms from the EU and Japan, which criticized the conduct of the investigation and the initial findings. Despite criticism from the European Union and Japan, India told to the World Trade Organization (WTO) committee that it had followed global trade rules while imposing safeguard duty on imported solar cells. On April 23, […]

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