
Demonetization hits solar power bids in Tamil Nadu

Demonetization has hit solar power tenders in Tamil Nadu with many developers unable to put down large volumes of cash needed to purchase the land required. Out of 500MW for which Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) floated tenders early this month, 20 bids for only 116MW have been received. For presenting a bid […]

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JinkoSolar Schedules 2016 Annual General Meeting to be Held on December 26, 2016

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd., a global leader in the PV industry, announced that it will hold its 2016 annual general meeting on Monday, December 26, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) at 9F, Jinko Building, 99 Shouyang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai, China, for the following purposes: To re-elect Mr. Kangping Chen as a director of the Company; To re-elect Mr. Xianhua Li as a director […]

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Industry’s Aspirations on Solar Blueprint

Every year India faces severe electricity shortage, to meet the rapidly growing demand the country needs a massive addition in capacity. And to sustain the pace of economic growth with a commitment towards the reduction of greenhouse gases, India has to cut its dependency on fossil fuels for electrification. Therefore solar power installations in India […]

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ReNew Power acquires 49MW of rooftop solar tender from SECI

ReNew Power Ventures has bagged the highest number of projects under a mega tender of 500 megawatts rooftop solar capacity floated by Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI). The tender was targeted towards institutional — schools, colleges, universities and residential buildings. It was aimed at promoting rooftop solar setups in these sectors. Around 130 […]

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Aurora Solar Technologies announces addition of John McNicol to the Board of Directors

Aurora Solar Technologies has named John McNicol to the Board of Directors. McNicol brings in a proven track record of building high growth international companies from early start up through periods of substantial asset investment, rapid sales growth and significant shareholder value appreciation. McNicol was formerly the President and Co-CEO of Enwave Corporation where he […]

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