solar technology

Hanergy and TAM Co-Develop Buses With Solar Roof Systems

Global Solar Energy (Hanergy GSE) & TAM-Europe have recently co-developed China’s first airport shuttle bus thin-film roof system. The world’s largest thin-film power solution company, Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, has announced that its US-based subsidiary, Global Solar Energy (Hanergy GSE) & TAM-Europe have recently co-developed China’s first airport shuttle bus thin-film roof system. Earlier […]

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JinkoSolar Hits New Milestones in July

In a significant development, the Chinese module maker supplied its highest efficiency mono panels for the world’s largest solar project of 1,177 MWp in Abu Dhabi. Adding another feather in its cap, JinkoSolar Holding has touched new milestones in the month of July, winning the Frost & Sullivan award for 2019 and supplying its highest […]

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Low-Cost, Eco-friendly Solar Cells Made Possible Using Kumkum Dye

A team of researchers has developed low-cost, environment-friendly solar cells by employing an off-the-shelf dye used to make kumkum in India. A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT-H) have developed low-cost, environment-friendly solar cells by employing an off-the-shelf dye used to make kumkum or vermilion in India. According to the research published […]

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Hyundai Launches Sonata Hybrid with Solar Roof System

Hyundai Motors has launched the new Sonata Hybrid equipped with a solar roof system. Hyundai Motors has launched the new Sonata Hybrid equipped with a solar roof system. The system recharges the battery to increase travel distance while preventing unnecessary battery discharge. The solar roof system, with 6 hours of daily charging, is expected to increase […]

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MiaSolé Acheives Flexible Substrate Solar Cell Efficiency of 20.56%

MiaSolé has announced that the U.S. DOE’s NREL has independently confirmed a 20.56 percent cell efficiency for a flexible thin-film solar cell MiaSolé, the US-based subsidiary of Hanergy, has announced that the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory has independently confirmed a 20.56 percent cell efficiency for a flexible thin-film device (0.86cm2) deposited […]

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CleanCapital & CarVal Acquire 75 MW Solar Portfolio, Close on $300 mn Debt Facility

CleanCapital announced its largest acquisition, a 75.2-megawatt solar portfolio made up of 15 operating solar projects in New Jersey. CleanCapital announced its largest acquisition to date, a 75.2-megawatt solar portfolio made up of 15 operating solar projects in New Jersey. This is the fourth in a series of acquisitions made through CleanCapital’s $250 million investment […]

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Hanergy Solar Modules to Power Shanghai’s Rafael Gallery

Hanergy has announced that its thin-film solar modules will cover the 150,000 square meter roof of the ‘Rafael Gallery’ located in Shanghai. The Hanergy Group has announced that its thin-film solar modules will cover the 150,000 square meter roof of the ‘Rafael Gallery’ located at the Tech City in Shanghai. Designed by the world-renowned architect, […]

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India to Impose Duty on Coated Flat Products Used in Solar Structure Fabrication

DGTR has issued preliminary findings in the anti-dumping duty investigation on imports of Aluminium and Zinc-coated flat products from China, Korea & Vietnam The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has issued its preliminary findings in the anti-dumping duty investigation on the imports of Aluminium and Zinc-coated flat products originating in or exported from China […]

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Still Elusive: Jumpstarting Solar Manufacturing in India

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi rarely misses an opportunity to highlight the success of its renewable energy push, when given an opportunity. And it has good reason to do so. Besides taking installed renewable capacity (wind +solar) from barely 25 GW to an estimated 70 GW plus till now, the government has also […]

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