solar pv

Goa Solar Energy Policy

OBJECTIVE To help India produce Green Power & get involved in Climate Control. To empower the electricity consumer to participate in the development of the Power Sector and to become a producer of electricity while remaining as a Consumer also i.e. be proactively involved in the development of the Power Sector and be a “Prosumer” […]

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Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy

Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The new fixed tariff of Rs. 3.93 (~$0.06)/kWh as the generic tariff levelised for 25 years for solar PV projects excluding accelerated depreciation (AD) has been announced by the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in October 2017. The fixed AD component is fixed at Rs. 0.27 (~$0.004)/kWh making the […]

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Madhya Pradesh Solar Energy Policy

Madhya Pradesh Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The payment guarantee to be provided to solar project developers in the Rewa Ultra Mega Solar (RUMS) park approved the state cabinet of the Government of Madhya Pradesh in September 2017. OBJECTIVE  The objectives of the Madhya Pradesh Solar Energy Policy are as follows: To encourage participation of […]

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The solar industry is churning new dialogues to woo clean energy and become self-reliant for all the modern power needs. When modules gets nodal nudge the billion-dollar market influxes with a proficient game-plan. Climate change concerns, state initiatives including solar portfolio standards, and consumer efforts are resulting in increased deployments of clean technologies. Solar photovoltaics […]

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JinkoSolar supplies 42 MW of solar modules to Asunim in Turkey

JinkoSolar delivered high-efficiency PID free solar modules to the two solar plants.  JinkoSolar has announced that it has supplied 42 MW of solar modules to Asunim Yenilenebilir Enerji for use in two PV power plants in Izmir Province, southwest Turkey. Asunim has started construction of the 20 MW and 22 MW plants with preliminary ministry […]

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Gujarat Solar Energy Policy

Gujarat Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The 50 percent cap of the approved load or contracted demand by small residential rooftop owners has been removed by the government of Gujarat enabling the residential consumers to install rooftop solar systems of any capacity of their own. The order came in effect from April 13, 2017. The […]

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ISRO develops an android app for computing the solar energy potential of a place

The android app is considered to be a “very useful” tool for installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels that is used for tapping solar energy, it said. Computation of solar energy potential is essential to select the locations for solar photovoltaic (PV) thermal power plants. The use of remote sensing observations from geostationary satellite sensors […]

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Solar Power Tariff Expected to Get Cheaper than Coal

The solar power tariff has seen a significant decline in tariffs from Rs. 10.95-12.76/kWh in 2010-11 to as low as Rs. 3.15 per kWh, which is expected to fall to Rs. 2.90 per unit. India’s solar power prices may be set to fall below those of thermal (coal) energy. This is based on an expected […]

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