solar project developers

SECI Issues NIT for Deployment of RE Projects with Storage at Lakshadweep

SPDs will also be responsible for the successful O&M of the project for a period of 10 years. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) for deployment of Renewable Energy Projects along with a linked Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. The brief […]

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Tender for Development of 50 MW Solar Plant in Kerala

The solar power developers will also be responsible for the successful operation and maintenance (O&M) of the project. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) for setting up of 50 MW of Solar PV Plant at Kasargod Solar Park in Kerala. The brief scope of work for the […]

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Scheme for Development of 14 MW Solar Plant with Linked Storage in Ladakh

The lands for setting up of solar projects with battery storage will be facilitated by LREDA and KREDA. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) under the order of the President of India has launched a new scheme for setting up Solar PV Projects with aggregate battery storage capacity in Leh & Kargil. The […]

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At IDEF, the Focus shifts to Solar Products

New Delhi is hosting the India Distributed Energy Forum, organised by industry body GOGLA, and their partners IFC Lighting Asia/India and the Ashden India Collective. GOGLA, or the Global Association for off Grid Solar is the global body tasked with promoting its members offerings most effectively. The India Regional Representative, Viraj Gada puts it like […]

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SECI Issues Tender for 3 GW Solar Linked with 1.5 GW Manufacturing

The detailed RfS document will be available for download from 18:00 hrs on January 30, 2019. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a tender for selection of solar power developers for setting up of a 3 GW ISTS connected solar PV power plant linked with setting up of 1.5 GW (per annum) solar […]

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Saudi Arabia Issues Tender for 1.515 GW Solar Capacity

The deadline for developers to express intention to participate in the procurement exercise is on February 14. Saudi Arabia’s Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO) has issued an expression of interest for the development and construction of seven new solar PV independent power producer  (IPP) projects with a combined potential capacity of 1.515 GW. The […]

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Gujarat Frames Land Policy for Renewable Energy Projects

A total area which can accommodate 30,000 MW of renewable energy will be sanctioned for these parks, with each park large enough to install a minimum of 1,000 MW. Gujarat has released its land policy for renewable energy projects, which seeks to set up wind parks and wind-solar hybrid parks in the state, similar to […]

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High Solar Tariffs Sees Gujarat Cancel 700 MW Solar Tender

The Gujarat government is likely to reduce the charges at the solar park, after which GUVNL will hold a fresh auction. The Gujarat government has cancelled the solar auction it held in December for the development of 700 MW of solar projects, citing winning bids being too high as the reason for cancellation. The decision […]

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