solar power

SA Signs Renewable Energy Deals with IPP

The signing of PPAs for the 27 mostly solar and wind projects were held up for more than two years under ousted President Jacob Zuma, who favoured a plan to build additional nuclear power plants. In the first major investment contract under President Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa has signed the long-delayed renewable energy contracts worth […]

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POSTPONEMENT OF THE PRE-BID MEETING : SELECTION OF SOLAR POWER DEVELOPERS FOR SETTING UP OF 2000 MW (250 MW X 8) & 3000MW (250MW x 12) ISTS CONNECTED SOLAR POWER PROJECTS This has reference to the RfS Nos. SECI/C&P/SPD/RfS/2000MW/012018 dated 30.01.2018 and SECI/C&P/SPD/RfS/3000MW/022018 dated 27.02.2018 regarding Selection of Solar Power Developers for Setting up of 2000 […]

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150 Exhibitors to Showcase at the Third Edition of RenewX in Hyderabad

The expo will witness a congregation of South India’s green economy community to discuss industry trends, challenges and market insights including the Indian regulatory framework. UBM India, the leading B2B exhibitions organiser announced the third edition of RenewX, a two-day Renewable Energy trade expo slated on April  13 and 14  2018 at the Hitex, Hyderabad. Augmented further by the legacy of its […]

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India’s PV Module Manufacturing Sector Needs Serious Attention

India’s manufacturing sector is set to take a giant leap forward, with the government announcing a slew of measures to boost domestic manufacturing in recent past. As a result, various companies are gearing up to expand their production facilities in India. However, Indian manufacturers continue to face a stiff competition with Chinese and other global […]

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Climbing Stairs: for Indian Rooftop Industry

India has diligently stepped-forward to ply across the cross roads of innovation. Today, India houses one of the biggest tech companies in the world has turned heads. But still, to all the innovations, India has been prolonging on the growing power demands. Not scathing 100 GigaWatt(GW) rather democratized dialogue on 40GW of rooftop seems to […]

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BHEL to Develop Space Grade Lithium-ion Cells using ISRO Technology

This transfer of technology will enable BHEL to manufacture Lithium-ion cells in-house for ISRO and other suitable applications. As part of its diversification strategy, power equipment maker Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) has entered into a Technology Transfer Agreement (TTA) with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for the manufacturing of space-grade Lithium-ion cells of various […]

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Bolivian Ambassador Barrientos Lauds Su-Kam’s Superior Technology

Su-Kam is also mulling over exporting their products to Bolivia and customizing them as per the country’s requirement. Bolivia’s Ambassador to India H. E. Sergio Dario Arispe Barrientos has visited the headquarter of solar power solutions provider, Su-Kam and lauded its superior technology. His visit was a part of his plan to explore Indian companies that […]

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Policy measures for promotion of new & renewable energy

Total capacity of 65 GW renewable energy installed in the country so far The Government of India has undertaken a number of policy measures for increasing share of renewable energy in India’s energy mix. These, inter-alia, include: a) Provision of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) under the National Tariff Policy; b) Notification of the long term […]

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Vectren Selects Partner, Announces Location for 50 MW of RE in US

Construction will begin after the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission authorizes the project; a decision is expected in the first half 2019. Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana (Vectren) has selected First Solar to build the 50-megawatt (MW) solar array outlined last month as part of Vectren’s long-term electric generation transition plan. During the past few months, […]

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