solar power generation

GE Renewable to Dismantle Decommissioned Wind Turbines in Germany

California-based GE Renewable Energy and German company Neowa GmbH have signed an MoU for a multi-year agreement to dismantle decommissioned Germany-based onshore wind turbines and recycle a variety of components—including blades—during partial and full repowering, contributing to the lifecycle circularity of the wind industry. The companies will also jointly explore the potential to expand Neowa’s unique […]

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Solis Seminar- Solution For PID Recovery

Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a phenomenon which affects some PV modules with crystalline Si cells and leads to gradual deterioration of performance. The degradation can be as much as 30% or more after a few years. Some module manufacturers are already working to develop countermeasures by using new materials, but the general trend to […]

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Maharashtra Can Save 75,000 Cr Through Energy Transition Over the Decade

Surplus electricity generation capacity, air pollution regulations, and cheap renewable energy offer Maharashtra an opportunity to save Rs.16,000 crore in 5 years, and over Rs.75,000 crore in the coming decade, says a report released by Climate Risk Horizons.  According to the report entitled, ‘Maharashtra’s Energy Transition-A 75,000 cr. savings opportunity’, as one of India’s most advanced […]

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Sale of Electricity in Futures Market will Benefit RE Investors: IEEFA

The introduction of derivatives to India’s short-term power market will make it easier for renewable project developers to enter into offtake arrangements with state-owned distribution companies (discoms), finds a new briefing note from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). “The launch of new financial instruments will enable developers to hedge their offtaker […]

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ISGF Report Supports Interlinking of Grids in GCC, SAARC & ASEAN area

A new report entitled ‘Interconnection of Regional Grids of ASEAN, SAARC/BIMSTEC and GCC Regions’, released by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), argues that myriad benefits are to be gained from interconnecting smaller power systems — the GCC, SAARC/BIMSTEC and ASEAN region in particular — to form a large power pool or regional grid in terms of […]

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Wind-based Electrification Will Drive Europe to Net Zero: WindEurope

Electrification is the most cost-effective way to decarbonise Europe’s economy according to a report from ETIPWind and WindEurope out today. Wind energy will lead the process: the EU sees it being half of Europe’s electricity by 2050. With the right investments in grids and technology, the combined rate of direct and indirect electrification will be […]

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Legal Counsel

The legal counsel shall be responsible for advising the business operations, by giving pro-active, professional, competent, (cost) effective and creative legal support. The legal counsel shall collaborate with the business leaders advising on legal risks, business strategies and other issues related to the Company’s business. The Person should be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment […]

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IRENA Members contribute to G20 Action Agenda on Offshore RE

On the occasion of the 2021 World Ocean Day, celebrated yesterday, over 70 IRENA members and private sector representatives came together in a Collaborative Framework on Ocean Energy and Offshore Renewables to accelerate the deployment of ocean technologies worldwide. Energy from the sea and through offshore renewables is increasingly recognised as significant climate solution for […]

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Renew In Collaboration With Stanford’s Storage X Initiative

ReNew Power, one of India’s leaders in renewable energy, today announced a collaboration agreement with the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford University and its StorageX Initiative. StorageX is an academic-industry-government initiative that aims to solve the most pressing real-world challenges in battery storage. ReNew’s collaboration with StorageX will focus initially on challenges surrounding grid […]

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