solar power cost

Draft Open Access Norms Can be a Tailwind for New RE Projects: CRISIL

The Draft Electricity (promoting renewable energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2021, announced by the Ministry of Power, if implemented as is, could improve the certainty of cash flows for new renewable energy projects coming up through this route, finds CRISIL ratings. In India, power distribution happens through three modes – state distribution companies, […]

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Shell & CoensHexicon to Build 1.4 GW Floating Wind Farm in South Korea

Shell Overseas Investment BV, a unit of Dutch oil and gas major Royal Dutch Shell, and CoensHexicon have established a joint venture to fund, develop, and operate MunmuBaram, a 1.4 GW floating offshore wind farm for South Korea. MunmuBaram is expected to power over 1 million homes once it begins operating. The two companies announced their […]

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Bacteria Could Lead the Way for Cheap & Green Energy Storage: Study

Cornell University bioengineer Buz Barstow, Ph.D. ’09, is trying to solve a big problem: How to build a low-cost, environmentally friendly and large-scale system for storing and retrieving energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Currently, there are no sustainable methods for storing green energy, as batteries are environmentally toxic. The answer may […]

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Developing Energy Storage Key for India’s Decarbonisation, finds Study

In order to achieve its target of 450 GW of wind and solar by 2030, India’s wind and solar capacity must grow 20% year-over-year between 2022 and 2030. Developing energy storage is a key avenue for increasing India’s power system flexibility and the share of renewables and ultimately enabling India’s decarbonisation, finds a new study by the […]

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Wind Energy Accounted for 42% New U.S. Capacity in 2020

More wind energy was installed in 2020 than any other energy source, accounting for 42% of new U.S. capacity, says the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). By contrast, solar amounted to only 38% of new capacity last year. The U.S. wind industry supports 116,800 jobs. The DOE has released three reports showing record growth in […]

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ONGC to Expand RE Portfolio Through Offshore Wind

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is planning to generate electricity from wind at its vast offshore acreage in order to expand its renewable energy portfolio. Owned by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, ONGC has oil and gas fields both in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. That experience […]

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Researchers At Saudi University Claim Storage Breakthrough With Zinc-Ion Batteries

Researchers at Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) claim to have developed a new zinc-ion battery chemistry that they hope will deliver large-scale energy storage that is cheaper, safer, and more environmentally friendly than the commonly used lithium-ion batteries. The research summary states that rechargeable Zn-ion batteries are highly promising for […]

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Mumbai’s Dadar West EV Charging Station Serves 20 Vehicles in Week 1

In Mumbai, so far 20 vehicles have used the EV charging station at the Kohinoor Building parking lot in Dadar West in a week since its inauguration on August 18, 2021 by State Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray. “Environment-friendly electric vehicles are the need of the hour and charging facilities should be made available at various […]

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Global Semiconductor Firm Infineon Supports Ecosystem Development In Green Agriculture

Infineon Technologies, a top 10 global semiconductor major has collaborated with with Invest India on Motor Drive Design Challenge for solar pumps. Solar pumps of course are a critical part of the government’s thrust to solarise Indian agriculture under the PM KUSUM scheme and more. For Infineon, the initiative is part of its support for […]

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