solar plus storage

Andhra Pradesh gearing up to store solar power for farmers: Report

Andhra Pradesh will become the first state in the country and Asia to store solar energy to facilitate power supply to agriculture sector Andhra Pradesh is reportedly gearing up to store solar power for the farmers in the state. The Pioneer reports that Andhra Pradesh will become the first state in the country and Asia […]

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Sungrow Presents 1500V PV Inverters and ESS at Intersolar Europe 2017

In addition to 1500V string and central PV inverters, Sungrow showcased residential storage inverter SH4K6 plus battery, residential PV inverters such as SG2K5-S and commercial PV inverters like SG80KTL at Intersolar Europe 2017. Sungrow, the global leading PV inverter system solution supplier, presents 1500V string and central PV inverters as well as utility scale ESS […]

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Mercedes-Benz Energy, Vivint Solar partners to Bring Automotive Battery Innovation to the U.S. Residential Solar Market

The two companies will introduce a joint offering that will provide customers with the German engineering and performance of Mercedes-Benz Energy batteries coupled with Vivint Solar’s expertise in designing, installing and servicing solar energy systems. Mercedes-Benz Energy and Vivint Solar announced an exclusive strategic collaboration to bring the Mercedes-Benz customizable home energy storage system to […]

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Ingeteam to showcase its latest developments for the solar energy sector, energy storage at Intersolar Europe 2017

Ingeteam will introduce its latest advances in operation and maintenance services at Internsolar Europe 2017 Ingeteam will showcase its main technological solutions for the solar energy sector, self-consumption, energy storage, and e-mobility at Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading solar trade fair. Ingeteam will introduce its latest advances in operation and maintenance services, a sector in which […]

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UNION BUDGET 2017: Shock and Awe for Indian Solar Industry

In an assertive throw to fuel the solar sector, the budget covertly focused towards helping the rural sector, agricultural sector and re-energising the real estate sector. It was a known fact that Digital payments and Demonetisation will take the center-stage. The clean energy pledges also vowed new propagations as the Government of India rifles solar […]

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NEXTracker NX Fusion Plus

Product Brief: NEXTracker has designed an innovative solar plus energy-storage solution ‘NX Fusion Plus’ US and international markets. NX Fusion Plus integrates solar tracker, battery, inverter, and software to deliver better return on investment to owners of solar power plants. By incorporating battery storage technology into its product, NEXTracker is further increasing the energy output […]

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RECPDCL Tenders 10 MW of Grid Connecting Rooftop Solar in Assam Under CAPEX Model

APDCL has appointed RECPDCL as Project Management Consultant (PMC) for implementation of grid connected rooftop solar PV power plants of total 10 MW capacity REC Power Distribution Company Limited (RECPDCL) is inviting bids for 10 MW grid connected rooftop solar project in Assam of behalf of Assam Power Distribution Company (APDCL). The rooftop solar projects […]

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