solar plants

Forecasting to mitigate back-down

Unlike other renewable energy rich countries where grid management is for the purpose of energy management, the grid management in India actually targets to solve the capacity management problem. The power market structure of India is comparatively complex unlike other countries and with the penetration of massive variable renewable energy like wind and solar, the […]

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Smart Grids Overcome Renewable Energy Variability and Uncertainty

Smart grids—modernized networks that enable bidirectional flows of energy and use two-way communication and control capabilities, and “distributed generation”— will address the variability and uncertainty of RE without utilities having to add to their conventional Renewable Energy (RE, which includes hydro, biomass, and geothermal as well as the more familiar photovoltaic (PV) and wind) faces […]

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Indian Scientists Develop Next-Gen Test-Bed to Generate Clean Energy

This early stage research, of India’s one of the premier institutes, could potentially be useful for meeting the energy needs of the country. Indian scientists have developed a super critical carbon dioxide (CO2) Brayton test loop facility to generate clean energy from future power plants including solar thermal. It was developed by the Indian Institute […]

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Gigawatt of Storage in 2018?

From a Gigawatt dream storing capacity to watt-hour storage, through decades the glorified history of technology is meekly stored with the wonk of storage development. The interdependency to make solar power modus operandi is the associated technology which can store the continuous flow of electricity and deliver it diligently on the time of respective requirement. […]

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MECA HYPERION-SR Horizontal Tracker

Product Brief: Meca Solar has launched ‘Hyperion-SR,’ which is touted to be the most advanced single row horizontal tracker on the market. It is designed to increase the PV power plant output up to 27% compared to ground-mounted fixed structure systems. Product Feature:  It is equipped with the minimum number of piles per MW, self-powered […]

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The Dark Truth of QCA: Who is Paying Whose Penalty?

By Abhk Kumar Das, Del2infinity Energy Consulting The solar and wind power generation shows a promising future in India. But due to the variability and intermittency, large scale renewable energy penetration in existing grid is a challenge and the proper policy and regulatory mechanisms, technological solutions and institutional structures are key issues in solar and […]

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$1 Million in Profit Made By Elon Musk’s Huge Battery

Tesla’s Australian battery system may have earned its proprietors, Neoen, around $1 million AUD ($800,000 USD) through the span of only a few days. Tesla’s 100MW battery system went online in South Australia subsequent to meeting organizer Elon Musk’s deliberate 100-day development due date. In the weeks since the enormous battery framework has apparently satisfied […]

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Seraphim Supplies Eclipse For China’s First 5 MW PV Plant with Shingled-Cell Modules

The Seraphim Eclipse high-efficiency module selected for this project is widely recognized in the solar industry for its innovation and value. The first ground-mounted solar plant using shingled-cell modules, also known as the Zhaiheyuan Project, was successfully connected to the grid in China’s Henan Province. At 5 MW, the Zhaiheyuan Project is also the biggest […]

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Amid the Berserk of Safegaurd Duty, What Industry Expects Pre-Budget?

The few concerned areas for the Indian Solar industry jotted in a single piece with the existing and the recommended solutions as per Vikram Solar which is India’s one of the biggest Solar Module Manufacturer. Amidst the whole ruckus of the anti-dumping and safeguard scenario, the annual budget is very soon to be announced as […]

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