solar plants

European Hydrogen Plans Expand, With 40,000 Km Pipeline Network by 2040

Industry association European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) has recently updated its vision for a dedicated hydrogen transport infrastructure across Europe, now proposing to build an 11,600 km (which was 6,800 km last year) hydrogen transportation network by 2030, which would come up to 39,700 km (as opposed to 23,000 km estimated last year) by 2040, aiming to […]

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ISGF Paper Proposes new Revenue Opportunites For Electric Utilites

A new white paper entitled New Revenue Opportunities for Utilities, which highlights various opportunities for revenue generation for utilities through digitalising the power sector and unlocking existing infrastructure and services, has been published by India Smart Grid Forum- a public private partnership initiative of Ministry of Power for accelerated development of smart grid technologies in the […]

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New US Law on Climate Change Seeks Bilateral Cooperation With India

Ahead of the Leaders’ Summit on Climate at the White House on April 22 and 23, to which Prime Minister Modi has also been invited, 10 US senators have introduced the United States Climate Leadership in International Mitigation, Adaptation, and Technology Enhancement Act of 2021 (U.S. CLIMATE Act). The 212-page legislation aims to integrate climate […]

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Surana Ventures Ltd

Surana Solar Limited is part of the Surana Group Hyderabad, India. Founded in 1978, the Surana Group is one of the Country’s leading Industrial Companies and a strong well-diversified conglomerate which is active in the areas of Solar & Wind Power, Telecommunications, Metal Processing and Infrastructure. With its 1200 highly motivated and qualified employees Surana […]

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Global Grid Battery Storage Capacity will Likely Reach 134.6 GW by 2030: F&S

As more nations commit to renewable energy, F&S predicts the global grid battery storage capacity to likely reach 134.6 GW by 2030. Frost & Sullivan’s (F&S) recent analysis on the global grid battery energy storage market finds that the continual expansion of intermittent renewables (RE) and declining technology costs are key factors fuelling the market. As more nations […]

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Facebook Ties up With CleanMax for 1st Renewable Energy Project in India

Facebook has partnered with Mumbai-based clean energy firm CleanMax for a 32 MW wind power project to be built in southern Karnataka. Around 50% of the project’s energy generation capacity has already been commissioned and is producing electricity. While CleanMax will handle the ownership and operation of the project, Facebook will purchase electricity off the […]

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MERC Clarifies That Green Energy Tariff To Be Treated As Tariff Income In Mumbai

The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission, has issued an ‘Errata’ order for its earlier order (case 134 of 2020 on March 22) allowing Tata Power company (TPC-D), one of the three Mumbai discoms, to provide ‘green tariff at a 66 paise premium to customers. The new order makes it clear that the premium being charged for […]

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Bangladesh Needs a Renewables Focus, Not a Switch From ‘Coal to Gas’: IEEFA

Renewables are cheaper and more sustainable than gas imports, and can provide better energy security in developing nations The emerging markets of Bangladesh and Vietnam are alluring for foreign energy companies looking to make money in the region. But these nations stand to lose both economically and environmentally through a pivot from coal to gas. […]

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Batteries Better Than Gas at Meeting Australia’s Future Peaking Needs

In September last year, the Scott Morrison-led Australian government had announced that it was setting a target for the electricity sector to reach final investment decisions by the end of April 2021, towards delivering 1000 MW of new dispatchable energy by summer 2023-24, so that the coal-fired Liddell power station could be closed down in […]

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