solar plants

MNRE to Hold Webinars for 75 Weeks to Mark 75 Years of Independence

In a statement released yesterday, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) said that it has been conducting a series of webinars on achievements in new and renewable energy since March 15, 2021. The purpose behind the webinars, which are to continue for 75 weeks since its beginning date, is the commemoration of 75 […]

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Head – Land

Eden Renewables India is currently offering a unique position as Head – Land within the Land & Legal Department where you will be playing a fundamental role within a team of highly-skilled and experienced professionals. With an embedded culture of diversity and team spirit, Eden Renewables India is striving to get the most-suited working environment […]

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NTPC Tenders For Hydrogen Fuel Cell Projects In Its Premises

One of India’s largest integrated power generating companies under the Ministry of Power, NTPC has issued a global Expression of Interest (EOI) tender to set up two Hydrogen fuel cell-based pilot projects in its premises only. One of the two is a standalone Fuel-Cell based backup power system and the other is a standalone fuel-cell-based […]

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Solis Seminar- Solution For PID Recovery

Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a phenomenon which affects some PV modules with crystalline Si cells and leads to gradual deterioration of performance. The degradation can be as much as 30% or more after a few years. Some module manufacturers are already working to develop countermeasures by using new materials, but the general trend to […]

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Maharashtra Can Save 75,000 Cr Through Energy Transition Over the Decade

Surplus electricity generation capacity, air pollution regulations, and cheap renewable energy offer Maharashtra an opportunity to save Rs.16,000 crore in 5 years, and over Rs.75,000 crore in the coming decade, says a report released by Climate Risk Horizons.  According to the report entitled, ‘Maharashtra’s Energy Transition-A 75,000 cr. savings opportunity’, as one of India’s most advanced […]

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Methane Could be a Greater Source of Power In US

Natural gas is an important source of power in the United States. An estimated 300,000 miles of pipeline transport natural gas across the country, while thousands of gathering, processing, and storage facilities prepare and store the gas for end users. One of the natural gases, Methane (CH4) is studied and proven to be 80 times […]

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Delhi’s 2041 Draft Master Plan Foresees 50 Percent Energy From Renewables

Delhi’s Draft Master Plan (MPD 2041) for the next two decades was formally release for public feedback and attention . The MPD is relevant, simply because it lays the roadmap for the city’s development for the next two decades. Previous masterplans have suffered various amendments and changes, almost all driven by political necessities. Basic necessities, […]

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ISGF Report Supports Interlinking of Grids in GCC, SAARC & ASEAN area

A new report entitled ‘Interconnection of Regional Grids of ASEAN, SAARC/BIMSTEC and GCC Regions’, released by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), argues that myriad benefits are to be gained from interconnecting smaller power systems — the GCC, SAARC/BIMSTEC and ASEAN region in particular — to form a large power pool or regional grid in terms of […]

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Luxembourg’s ArcelorMittal Invests $10 M in RE Tech Company Heliogen

ArcelorMittal S.A., a Luxembourgish multinational steel manufacturing corporation headquartered in Luxembourg City, announced yesterday its initial investment of $10 million in US renewable energy technology company Heliogen, marking the completion of the steel producer’s first XCarb™ innovation fund investment since launching the initiative in March 2021. Heliogen’s technology will harness solar energy by using a field of mirrors […]

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