solar plant

The Top 5: Indian Cement Manufacturers & Their Efforts Towards Sustainability

The Indian Cement industry is the second-largest producer of cement in the world, while the Indian market is also the second-biggest consumer on the planet. The country had over 200 large cement producing plants and more than 360 small ones recording a turnover of around Rs 64,000 Crore in FY-20. With a massive and ongoing […]

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The Top 5: Steel Companies in India & Their Commitments to Reduce CO2 Emissions

The Iron and Steel industry is one of the most crucial parts of human existence. The development of any nation is directly linked to its steel consumption. The story is no different for India which is not only a consumer but also a significant producer of steel. Besides, producing 120 Million Tonnes (MT) of crude […]

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Egypt allocates 5,200 sq km area for renewable energy development

Just after the government official in Egypt revealed that the country will be producing some 10,000 MW of renewable energy next year, the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) has now said that 5,200 square kilometer (sqkm) were allocated to establish renewable energy projects at different locations. The areas being allocated are meant for investments […]

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Tunisia to invite bids for 2,000 MW of renewable energy

In order to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel imports, reduce carbon footprints and heighten the use of clean energy, the Energy Minister of Tunisia, Naila Nouira has announced that Tunisia is planning to launch international tenders seeking bids to build 2,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable electric power capacity. The minister held that the efforts […]

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Volta to launch its Solid-State Batteries in 2023

Chinese battery major Volta Technology Limited has announced that it would roll out its solid-state batteries from its pilot production line in Shenzhen in early 2023. Solid-state batteries are referred to as ‘the next-generation battery product,’ which are often called safer and more powerful than traditional lithium-ion batteries. Volta Technology claims that an electric vehicle […]

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TMD – Mechanical Maintenance

Increase the site operational effectiveness, improve on maintenance practices, mean time between failure and downtime reduction, and manage implement improvement plans, driving Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) ensuring that Health, Safety and Environmental requirements are adhered to. Implement and manage continuous improvement by highlighting deficiencies and recommending changes in training, working practices and processes. Principle Accountabilities:- Reduce maintenance downtime by […]

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Power Ministry Plans Another Scheme To Solve The Discom Puzzle

The Ministry of Power has informed that it’s working on a scheme that will help mitigate the financial woes of the Distribution Companies (Discoms) which are unable to pay their dues. This is crucial as the inability of Discoms to pay dues impacts the entire value chain of the power sector. Even the relatively young […]

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UAE Leads In RE Expansion In Past Decade Worldwide

The Green Fuel Index report released by ‘Compare the Market’ – an Australia-based aggregator has revealed that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has had the largest increase of renewable energy capacity in the world in the past decade. The report has said that UAE’s renewable energy capacity swelled from a mere 13 MW in 2011 […]

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Egypt Will Generate 10GW Renewable Energy Next Year

The government of Egypt is looking to expedite the renewable energy projects in the country, with plans to generate about 10,000 MW of solar and other renewable power in 2023 said a government official to media. The government expects the rise in renewable energy production in the coming year as many energy projects will then […]

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