solar panel roof

VIZ-A-VIZ with Herve Bibollet, Managing Director, Webdyn

Q. In september 2015 the company entered Indian solar market with its two products WebdynSun and WebdynModbus. Please share us in detail about the products, its USP and how O&M companies can benefit from these products? Webdyn develops and commercialises data loggers dedicated to the monitoring of solar installations of small or average sizes. These […]

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VIZ-A-VIZ with Nanduri. Purushotham, Director Business Development, Topsun Energy Ltd,

“Topsun’s Mehsana facility has three integrated lines with cumulative capacity of 100Mw production line. Opportunity for manufacturing is ample with the ambitious plans of GOI but in my opinion better to opt for other BOC (balance of components) instead of modules manufacturing including cells Indian industry can compete globally and support GW scale domestic requirements.” Please give […]

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Global building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market to grow at a CAGR of almost 10%: Technavio

Technavio in its latest market study predicts the global building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market to grow at a CAGR of almost 10% during 2017-2021. The research report titled ‘Global Building-integrated Photovoltaics Market 2017-2021’ identifies need to reduce energy cost is one of the key drivers responsible for the growth of the global BIPV market. According to […]

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Emerging batteries and storage management strategies pave the way for microgrids

It may sound ludicrous, but the concept of producing electricity is not very different from producing vegetables. It’s a different thing that the quality of one is increasing, the other in grave pity. We need more and more of electricity for our daily tasks – heating, cooling, cooking, commute (metro and electric vehicles); and so […]

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Viz-a-Viz with Pradeep Sangwan-Country Head, ReneSola India

ReneSola is one of the leading international brand and technology providers of energy efficient products. Leveraging its global presence and expansive distribution and sales network, ReneSola is well positioned to provide its highest quality green energy products and on-time services for EPC, installers, and green energy projects around the world. In an exclusive Interview Pradeep […]

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Operations & Maintenance Best Practices

Electricity generated through coal plants is becoming expensive day by day. Power cuts are frequent, and increasing dependence on diesel generators is causing a lot of damage to the environment. The demand-supply gap for electricity is rising in the country which makes it imperative for people to start thinking of other ways of realizing their […]

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Solar power has been identified as one of the emerging sectors of future growth. The solar energy is abundant in our country, and India gets normally 300 days of solar radiation in a year. The inexhaustible sun power not only augments energy generation, but also contributes towards the improvement of environment, energy conservation, and additional […]

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West Bengal to release renewable energy regulations for housing complexes

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) is expected to unveil renewable energy regulations in a fortnight, paving the way for households and housing complexes to install solar rooftop panels and connect the same with the grid. WBERC Chairman R N Sen said, “We are trying to release the renewable energy regulations in the next 15 […]

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Heart Turns Brain

Advanced Electronics Impacting Solar Inverters and Its Market The Evolving Inverter Solar inverters have come a long way in the history of solar power generation. It won’t be wrong to say that they have remained one of the most advancing technologies in every decade of renewable energy advancement than anything else. Inverters convert simple DC […]

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