solar modules

How much of impact would a 25% weight decrease on a panel be to the industry?

Compared with dual glass bifacial, JinkoSolar’s Swan reduces the weight by 25%. How much would this mean to the investors, developers, EPCs and O&M? Would it make much of a difference, or would the savings be significant enough to 100% shift to it? Will weight increase of glass-glass bifacial diminish its returns or offset the […]

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Restrictive Guidelines Under Govt Schemes to Impact System Integrators: Report

According to a new analysis, there are two critical restrictive guidelines for integrators in the new KUSUM and SRISTI schemes by the MNRE According to a new analysis by JMK Research and Analytics, there are two critical restrictive guidelines in the new schemes that the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has recently launched. […]

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Why Solis Inverters became the Preferred Choice of Airports PV Power Station at Home and Abroad

Efficient and convenient air traffic is one of the prerequisites for the development of modern society and economy, especially for the development of high-tech industry. In addition to its own benefits, the civil aviation transportation industry has obvious comprehensive benefits in promoting the development of resources, producing “airport economic zone”, promoting the development of regional […]

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What Is the Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis 3.0

In 2019, Huawei launched the AI Boost Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis 3.0, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the field of solar operation and maintenance (O&M) for the first time. The solution uses smart photovoltaic (PV) inverters to scan PV strings to obtain the relationship (I-V curve) between the output voltage and output current. The […]

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BNEF Bankability Survey Ranks Solis 3rd Among Asian Brands

BNEF released its survey entitled ‘Solar Module & Inverter Bankability 2019’, with Solis the third highest-rated firm amongst the Asian brands. Recently, BloombergNEF (BNEF) released its survey entitled “Solar Module & Inverter Bankability 2019”, which included the investigation of inverters for the first time. Chinese Inverter brand Ginlong Solis was revealed as the third highest-rated […]

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Renewables to Account for 30% of Total Installed Capacity in the US by 2030

According to a new report the contribution of renewables to total installed capacity in the US is expected to double from 15 percent to 30 percent by 2030 The contribution of renewable power to total installed capacity in the US is expected to double from 15 percent in 2018 to 30 percent by 2030, reaching […]

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TN Tenders for Over 40,000 Houses to get SPV Lighting Systems, Madurai to get 1920

Tamil Nadu has issued 38 tenders for the supply and installation of LED-based SPV home lighting systems at well over 40,000 homes across multiple districts The state government of Tamil Nadu has issued 38 tenders, inviting bids from eligible vendors for the supply and installation of LED-based Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) home lighting systems at […]

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Gujarat Finalises Bids for 150 MW Against 950 MW Tender Capacity

GUVNL was able to finalise bids for only a 150 MW against the 950 MW capacity it had tendered to be developed in Dholera (750 MW) and Raghanesda (200 MW) The latest auctions held in Gujarat for the award of solar power capacities have continued to receive lukewarm responses, with power project developers shying away […]

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Ireland’s RE Expansion Expected to Bring in Massive Investments by 2030

Ireland is expected to attract massive investment as the country is set to add 5.8 GW of renewable power capacity over the next decade Ireland is expected to attract massive investment as the country is set to add 5.8 gigawatt (GW) of non-hydro renewable power capacity over the next decade to reach a total 9.6 […]

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