solar kit

New Precision Spray-Coating Enables Complex Perovskite Solar Cell Designs

Researchers have developed a new precision spray-coating method that enables complex perovskite solar cell designs and could be used to scale up for mass production. Perovskites, a highly promising alternative to the silicon which is used to make most of today’s solar cells, needs new manufacturing processes to make them practical for commercial production. And […]

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Sterling And Wilson Solar Adds Rs 3015 crore Australian order to Kitty

Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited (SWSL) (BSE Scrip Code: 542760; NSE Symbol: SWSOLAR), today announced that it has signed (along with its branch and Australian subsidiary) an EPC contract of approx. AUD 525 million (~ INR 2,600 crore) as well as the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contract of approx. AUD 85 million (~ INR 415 […]

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NREL Forms Consortium to Advance Solar Perovskite Commercialisation

NREL has formed the US Manufacturing of Advanced Perovskites Consortium, which will work to accelerate commercialisation of perovskite technologies. Working with leading domestic solar companies, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds at the University of Washington, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Toledo have […]

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Perovskite Solar Cells. Bringing The Future Closer

The solar sector, ever since it managed to get the interest of mainstream researchers, has regularly seen the announcement of  new materials and processes, that promise to deliver efficiencies and costs that would take the sector itself mainstream. While, many would argue that we are close to that inflection point today, demands from the tech […]

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IHS Markit Predicts a 16% YOY Drop in Solar Capacity Additions in 2020

Even as estimates and predictions on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the renewable energy, and solar sector in particular are announced and updated with each passing week, comes a specific prediction from IHS Markit. The global research and analytics firm has predicted a degrowth of as much as 16 percent in global solar […]

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NREL Research Boosts Stability of Perovskites, Helps Silicon Solar Cells

A change in the chemical composition has enabled scientists at the US DOE’s NREL to boost the longevity and efficiency of perovskite solar cells. A change in the chemical composition has enabled scientists at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to boost the longevity and efficiency of perovskite solar cells […]

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Researchers Improve Safety of Lead-Based Perovskite Solar Cells

Researchers at NREL have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging PV technology. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Northern Illinois University (NIU) have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging photovoltaic […]

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Caffeine Improves Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells

A team of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles have discovered that caffeine can be a promising alternative to make traditional solar cells more efficient at converting light to electricity. The latest research which began as a cafeteria joke over morning coffee led to this unusual solution. “One day, as we were discussing […]

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Perovskite Slated to Revolutionise the Solar Industry

Perovskite, which uses a hybrid organic-inorganic lead as the light harvesting active layer could have a conversion rate as high as 37%. Silicon based solar panels which have been in use since the last five decades are soon about to get a tough competition from a new material in development called perovskite. The silicon based […]

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