solar government subsidy in india

Investing Renewables Infesting Fossils

Renewable Energy Sector as a Future Investment Model With increasing technological advancements, renewable energies are having a significant impact. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly viable, a trend that could potentially be a game-changer for investors, particularly large scale, global investors. The International Energy Agency projected that renewable energy will continue to grow by 42 percent […]

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Year End Review 2017 –MNRE

Government is on its way to achieving 175 GW target for installed Renewable Energy capacity by 2022 India attains 6th position in global Solar Power installed capacity By November 2017, a total of 62 GW Renewable Power installed, of which 27 GW installed since May 2014 and 11.79 GW since January 2017 Historic Low Tariffs […]

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EESL Organises Global Event INSPIRE 2017 on Energy Efficiency in Jaipur

INSPIRE 2017 is a global conference which aims to bring various stakeholders such as policy makers, innovators, financiers, influencers to showcase best practices in the sector. Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) in alliance with the World Bank and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) organised the first edition of the International symposium to promote […]

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The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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Uttar Pradesh(UP) isn’t just known to be a political game changer in the Indian history, but the state with a hefty population of 204.2 million on a vast land area of 243,286 km², is the most potentially budding yet the least exploitative solar hotspot in the country. It has a brilliant solar radiation of an […]

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What you Should Know Before you Choose to be a ‘SYSTEM INSTALLER’

Let us start with what does a Solar System Installer in solar industry mean. In common language, it generally refers to KW rated roof top photovoltaic projects. Also known as Solar System Integrator, it encompasses the actual execution/construction task (‘installing’ a solar system); and other role across all functions as required being an entrepreneur; from […]

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Meet The New Power Minister who stepped into big shoes of Piyush Goyal

26 years down the line he is sitting in the same BJP camp, Singh has stepped into the big shoes of Piyush Goel as power minister. From stopping Somnath to Ayodhya Rath Yatra, arresting LK Advani as a district magistrate on the orders of former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav in 1990 and as […]

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POWER OPTIMIZER: Smart Module Technology

Solar power technology isn’t a new discovery; in fact, it was discovered way back in 1800 when Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel—a nineteen-year old French scientist—was experimenting with an electrolytic cell composed of two metal electrodes. He was surprised as he discovered that the materials would emit energy when exposed to light. That was when PV effect came […]

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Secret to Hit 40GW

Government of India has rightly made rooftop solar power one of its top clean energy priorities. In 2014, the government revised the national solar installation target from 22 GW to an aggressive 100 GW by 2022 which is helping the country to become one of the world’s fastest-growing solar markets. The 100 GW target was […]

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