solar energy power

Renewables- The Success Story of the Covid-19 Era: IEA Report

A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has found that the renewables sector has remained the success story of the Covid 19 era and is set to provide more than half of the increase in global electricity supply in 2021, of which China alone is likely to account for almost half of the […]

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Gridtential Produces Breakthrough AGM Battery With East Penn Manufacturing

Gridtential Energy – an inventor and developer of Silicon Joule battery technology, has announced it is launching a series of groundbreaking AGM reference batteries produced on East Penn Manufacturing’s prototype line. The first offering is a single-block 24V lead battery optimized for deep-cycle applications. A 12V power version will follow later in Q2 2021, with […]

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US DOE to Issue $8.25 Bn in Loans to Enhance Transmission Nationwide

The US DOE has announced the availability of up to USD 8.25 billion in loans for efforts to expand and improve the US transmission grid. In support of the Biden Administration’s commitment to modernise the nation’s power grid and infrastructure and deliver 100 percent clean energy to businesses and homeowners by 2035, the US Department […]

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New Consortium US-MAC aims to Raise CdTe PV Efficiency to 30%

A timely response to the global need for clean energy has come from universities and research centres like Colorado State University (CSU), the Wright Center for Photovoltaics at the University of Toledo, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), as well as US-based commercial solar companies working with Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) thin-film solar panel manufacturing, which […]

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Global CO2 Emissions set for Second Biggest Increase in History: IEA

A new report finds global energy-related CO2 emissions to be rising by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021 – their second-largest increase in history A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted that the global energy-related CO2 emissions will be rising by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021 – their second-largest increase in history […]

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Clean Hydrogen Production Costs to be Brought Well Below USD 2/kg by 2030: ETC

In its parallel report, the ETC states that the production costs for clean hydrogen can be brought well below USD 2/kg by 2030. In its parallel report Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating clean hydrogen in an electrified economy, the ETC sets out the complementary role for clean hydrogen and how a combination of private-sector […]

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Pace of Renewables Deployment Must Grow by 5-7 Times by 2030: ETC

The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) has released a new report analysing the feasibility of achieving a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) economy by 2050 and the actions required in the next decade to put this target within reach. The report Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 years to electrify the global economy sets out why it is […]

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EU-Africa Green Investment Forum highlights Africa’s Green Growth scope

Last Friday, United Nations Secretary General Antionio Guterres and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen opened the EU-Africa Green Investment Forum- the largest event for dialogue centred on investment in Africa to take place since the beginning of the coronavirus global pandemic. Hosted by EU Portuguese Presidency and the European Investment Bank, the event was attended […]

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Sri Lanka’s WindForce Commences Trading on CSE above IPO Price

On Thursday, Colombo-headquartered independent power producer WindForce Limited, commenced trading on the Main Board of the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) above its price of LRK 16/share after raising an initial public offering (IPO) for wind power projects in Sri Lanka and Senegal, amounting to LRK 3.2 Billion- the largest at the CSE since 2011- which attracted […]

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