solar energy power

For The Third Time in August, APTEL Sets Aside KERC Order

For the third time this month, the APTEL (Appellate Tribunal For Electricity) has seen it fit to set aside an order of the Karnataka State Regulatory Commission (KERC). While the broad issue is the same, the beneficiary this time is Hyderabad based Sirwar Renewable Energy Private Limited, a firm that had set up a 2 […]

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Green Bonds Worth $3.6 B Issued by Indian RE Developers in H1 2021

According to a study released by CEEW-CEF, Indian renewable energy developers issued green bonds worth INR 26,300 crore (USD 3.6 billion) in the first half of 2021 alone, beating even previous one-year records. The CEEW Centre for Energy Finance (CEEW-CEF) is an initiative of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), one of Asia’s […]

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Norwegian Company gets €957,000 Grant for Mobile Offshore Wind Units

Norwegian offshore drilling contractor Odfjell Oceanwind has been awarded a NOK 10 million (EUR 957,000) pre-project grant from Enova, Norway’s fund for climate and energy technologies, for maturing its first commercial contracts for Mobile Offshore Wind Units (MOWUs) and WindGrid for electrification of oil and gas installations. The grant is awarded under Enova’s full scale innovative […]

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IKEA To Start Selling Renewable Electricity To Swedish Households

IKEA, which started selling solar panels and other equipment at its stores sometime back, is now moving into direct electricity selling too. Under the plan that the global retailer of furniture and other items has announced, IKEA’s solar panel producer, Svea Solar will be buying renewable electricity on the Nordic power exchange Nord Pool and […]

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MNRE Releases Updated ALMM List With 3 New Additions

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued an updated list of approved manufacturers in its ALMM (Approved list of module manufacturers)  list. The List is effective August 17, 2021, with the certifications valid to August 16, 2023, or two years. While broadly in line with the previous list, the fresh list has […]

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Scotland’s Firth of Forth Net Zero Hub Key for Climate Goals: WoodMac

The development of net zero hubs around the UK has proved a key plank of the country’s strategy towards achieving net zero by 2050. Scotland, which has a 2045 net-zero target, could advance its ambitions by establishing a net zero hub on the Firth of Forth, research from global natural resources consultancy Wood Mackenzie. “Net […]

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Global EV Charging Station Market to Reach $93 Billion by 2027: Report

The global Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) market has been fuelled by a growing awareness of environmental conservation and carbon emission reduction. Hence, it has been estimated that the global EVCS market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% from 2021 to 2027 and reach $93 billion by 2027, according to […]

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“We have pioneered in solving the twin problems of supply and demand of electricity”, Pranesh Chaudhary, Zunroof

ZunRoof  was one of the early movers on the solar rooftop space, going the start up way with fund raises and an aggressive expansion strategy. From solar rooftops, where the IIT Kharagpur educated founders touted their proprietary tools for tracking and performance to the move into IoT based devices for energy savings, the firm has […]

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33 GW Pumped Hydro Storage Projects to be Set Up in Andhra Pradesh

The Andhra Pradesh energy department will install Pumped Hydro Storage Power Projects (PSP), with 33.24 GW total capacity, across 1.45 lakh acres in Kadapa, Kurnool and Anantapur districts. Energy secretary Srikant Nagulapalli believes these pumped hydro storage power will improve the power supply position in the state. “These will enable the consumers to get quality […]

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