solar electricity

16 Megawatt Offshore Wind Turbine to Come Up in China

Chinese domination in the renewable energy sector continues with the latest announcement of wind turbine manufacturer MingYang Smart Energy’s plans to deploy two giant wind turbines, with 16 megawatts (MW) capacity each, in the South China Sea. Sources say that the installation will take place at the MingYang Yangjiang Qingzhou Four offshore wind farm. According […]

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Kerala Plans 200 MW Renewable Projects Over 10 Dams

The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) is seeking bids to develop 100 megawatt (MW) each of wind projects and floating solar projects. All of these projects will be constructed in ten dams of the state. The government has said that the bids for the wind energy projects shall open on February 24. It has also […]

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RWE, Tata Power to Jointly Explore Offshore Wind Potential in India

RWE and Tata Power have agreed on a partnership to explore the potential for the joint development of offshore wind projects in India. A corresponding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited, a 100 percent subsidiary of Tata Power, which is one of India’s largest integrated power companies, and […]

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Indian Oil Says New Policy to Cut Green H2 Cost by 40-50%

Largest Indian oil firm IOC will set up ‘green hydrogen’ plants at its Mathura and Panipat refineries by 2024 to replace carbon-emitting units as it sees the just announced green hydrogen policy as a watershed moment in the country’s energy transition that will help cut costs. SSV Ramakumar, Director for Research and Development at Indian […]

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Focusing Only on Renewables a ‘Fatal Mistake’: Saudi Energy Minister

The Saudi energy minister said on Sunday that focusing only on renewable power sources was a mistake and that the world may not be able to produce all the energy needed for economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. “The pandemic and the recovery underway have taught us the value of caution,” said Prince Abdulaziz bin […]

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RE Wins at World’s 1st ‘Green’ Olympics Being Held in China: Carbon Brief

The desire of the leadership in China to showcase clean energy development and make it a part of the country’s international image, while important in itself, is backed by real developments on the ground, finds UK-based Carbon Brief, a platform that specialises in the science and policy of climate change. Established in response to the 2009 Climategate […]

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After Becoming EV Nation, Norway Seeks Battery Recycling Crown

Norway, a country of barely 5.4 million citizens, has shown a commitment to EVs that is quite simply, unmatched in the developing world. It was the country with the most electric vehicles per person in January last year. The European nation has been a frontrunner in the world EV market right through 2021. Even in […]

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Chile to Hold 5.25GWh RE Auctions Over Next 15 Years

The Chilean Energy Regulator (CNE) has launched an auction to provide 5.25GWh of electricity to the national grid. This will take placevover a period of 15 years and the addition of electricity will begin from 2027. The new information has been shared by the Regulator on its website. According to the latest note, the consultation […]

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Sweden Embarks on 120 TWh Offshore Wind Energy

Sweden has come up with a massive new marine plan wherein the government has committed itself to develop 120 TWh offshore wind energy in the coming few years to fulfil the power needs of the country. The Swedish Energy Agency has already identified three key areas to begin with. The Swedish government has identified three […]

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