solar electricity system

No way out for Stranded Thermal Assets in India, Amid RE Push : IEEFA

India’s 40 GW of stressed and stranded thermal power assets, identified by a parliamentary committee in March 2018, still linger on – most of them without any feasible resolution. India’s 40 gigawatts (GW) of stressed and stranded thermal power assets, identified by a special parliamentary committee in March 2018, still linger on – most of […]

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SECI Issues Clarifications for its EOI for Renewable Solutions in Himalayas

SECI has issued clarifications against queries raised by prospective bidders for the EoI for Renewable Solutions in remote areas of the Himalayas The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued clarifications against queries raised by prospective participants for the EoI for Renewable Energy (RE) based Solutions/ System /Technology for meeting energy requirements in remote […]

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Global Wind Energy Growth Must Triple by 2030 to Achieve Net-Zero: GWEC

2020 was the best year in history for global wind industry, but a new report warns that this growth is not enough to achieve net-zero by 2050 2020 was the best year in history for the global wind industry with 93 GW of new capacity installed – a 53 percent year-on-year increase – but a […]

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RERC Yields to Objections, Extends Net-Metering Benefits Till June 30

RERC has now announced that all rooftop solar Net-Metering agreements upto June 30, 2021, will be honoured for their contract durations. The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has announced that after receiving comments and objections from stakeholders on its draft Regulations for Grid-Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems, 2020, it will now work again on […]

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India Should Double Down on Renewable to Achieve Energy Targets 2030: Study

India should double down on renewables to achieve its aggressive renewable energy targets in India’s electricity grid in 2030, according to a recent study by the researchers at UC Santa Barbara.  The study analyzes electricity and carbon reduction costs linked with India’s energy targets in the electricity grid in 2030 and discovers that the majority […]

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Net-Zero Emissions in India Possible by 2050, but Challenging: Report

A new report has assessed India’s technology & policy options if it were to accelerate its transition to a net-zero emissions system by 2050 To reach a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050, India needs a suitable policy and innovation-driven context to deploy clean energy technologies on a massive scale. It requires more and faster […]

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South Africa Planning RE Investments & 3 Power Ships to Tackle Power Crisis

South Africa has announced its new plans to ease the severe electricity crisis in the country, including three offshore power ships, greater use of solar and wind energy, and other renewable energy (RE) investments. Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe, had recently announced eight chosen bidders in the government’s emergency risk mitigation program, […]

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China’s Green Ambitions can Complement Energy Security and Economic Goals: WoodMac

Wood Mackenzie’s latest report reveals that China’s march towards carbon neutrality by 2060 can complement both energy security and economic goals. Faced with a fractured global trading system, China’s leadership has responded with ‘dual circulation’, an economic manifesto focusing on more secure supply chains, growing the domestic market and improving export competitiveness. At the same […]

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