solar cells

Solar Trackers: Poised To Boom With Solar Once Again

Solar trackers are usually paired with ground mount solar systems in order to increase energy output of the solar panel. Recently, rooftop-mounted trackers have also emerged in the market. So, what is a solar tracker? How is it instrumental in boosting energy output of solar panels? In the simplest of terms, a solar tracker is […]

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USA To Give $56 Million For Solar Manufacturing & Recycling

The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) will be funding new initiatives with $56 million which includes $10 million from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to spur innovation in solar manufacturing and recycling in the country. The government said that the funding will help make clean energy more affordable and reliable. Also, developing more solar power […]

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Trina Solar Passes 8GW Solar Module Shipment Milestone For India

Trina Solar has shipped more than 8GW of solar modules to India since 2010, supplying to PV projects in all three segments of residential, commercial and industrial and utility. “Solar modules for commercial and industrial (C&I) businesses accounted for 60% of Trina Solar’s shipments to India last year and in 2022’s first quarter, while about […]

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Watch Out For World’s First Solar-Powered Mass Market Electric Car

Sion, a five-seater compact family electric car wrapped with 456 solar panels except the windows, is likely to enter the assembly line in the second half of 2023, the German start-up Sono has said. The vehicle was unveiled at Munich. The company is looking to produce more than 250,000 of the vehicles over the period […]

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Smarten Aims to Deploy 5000 Solar Units By The End of FY 2022

By implementing more than three megawatts of projects in Punjab, Haryana, and portions of Uttar Pradesh by June 2022, Haryana-based power-backup product producers Smarten has been solidifying its position in the institutional market in India. The company says that the deployment will benefit institutions save on their electricity bills, contributing to the environment & spread […]

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Flexible Solar Moves One Step Closer to Mass Market With DaZheng

A 10 year old Chinese startup, DaZheng, has become the first firm worldwide to produce large, flexible perovskite solar panels at scale, with a promised efficiency of 21%. Traditional flexible thin-film solar cells are limited by expensive raw materials and complicated manufacturing processes, which lead to the high cost and limited applications. The new flexible […]

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Statkraft Backs Solar Park with 5- year PPA

Europe’s leading renewable energy player, Norwegian firm Statkraft, has signed a 5-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for the Strasen Solar Park. The Norwegian energy company is thus supporting the construction and operation of the 30 MW solar park. According to the official statement of Statkraft, the solar parkwill operate entirely without EEG subsidies and is […]

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Trina Solar’s 210 PERC Cell Achieves 24.5% Efficiency

Chinese manufacturer of PV products, Trina Solar has said that its State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology (SKL PVST) proprietary industrial larger-area 210mm×210mm high-efficiency PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) solar cell has accomplished high efficiency at 24.5%. This has been validated by National Institute of Metrology, China. As per Trina Solar, the […]

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Gautam Solar Records 100 MW DCR Solar Module Sales

A leading indigenous solar manufacturer, Gautam Solar, has achieved the milestone of selling 100 MW solar modules under the domestic content requirement (DCR) category, the company has said. DCR modules are manufactured solar modules and solar cells manufactured in India on an indigenous level. The DCR Solar modules manufactured by the company are primarily used […]

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