solar cell

India, Denmark Ink MOU to Develop Long-Term Cooperation in Power Sector

India and Denmark have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Indo-Denmark Energy Cooperation to develop a strong, deep and long-term co-operation between the two countries in the power sector. The MoU was inked between the two countries on June 5, 2020, on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit. From the Indian side, MoU […]

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Germany Raises Offshore Wind Power Goal to 40 GW in 20 Yrs

The German Cabinet has passed a bill that would set a goal of 40 GW of offshore wind power capacity installation by 2040, marking a surge of almost five-fold. The move came as the German government wants to significantly surge its offshore wind energy capacity from current 7.5 GW (approx) to 40 GW as part […]

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India Wind Targets are Sensitive to Policy and Regulations: GWEC

India is the world’s fourth-largest onshore wind market by installations, with 37.5 GW of capacity as of 2019. The technical potential at 120-meter hub height is a whopping 695 GW, according to the National Institute of Wind Energy, and the government has set a wind capacity target of 60 GW by 2022 and 140 GW […]

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LONGi, Dupont Ink Strategic Cooperation Pact to Develop High-Quality Modules

With an aim to jointly develop high-quality modules, LONGi, Chinese solar photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturer, has entered into a strategic cooperation pact with DuPont, which has a strong presence in backsheets, metallisation pastes and sealant market for solar installations, in Shanghai. As per the agreement signed, the two companies aimed to high-quality develop modules via efficient […]

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Goldwind Secures 50 MW Wind Turbines Order in Pakistan

Goldwind has secured a new wind turbines supply contract for 20 units of GW 121-2.5MW high-temperature model wind turbines for the ACTII project in Pakistan. Chinese multinational wind turbine manufacturer, Goldwind has announced that it has secured a new wind turbines supply contract for 20 units of GW 121-2.5MW high-temperature model wind turbines for ACTII […]

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EDF, Enbridge & wpd Begin Construction at 500 MW Offshore Wind Farm

EDF Renewables, Enbridge, and wpd have announced the launch of the 500 MW Fécamp offshore wind farm off the coast of northwest France. EDF Renewables, a subsidiary of the EDF Group, Enbridge, a leading energy infrastructure company in North America, and wpd, a European renewable energy company, have announced the launch of the 500 MW Fécamp offshore wind […]

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Tata Power Takes Over CESU, Begins Power Distribution Work in Odisha

Tata Power has taken over the management of CESU, after receiving LOI from OERC for the distribution and retail supply of electricity in 5 circles of Odisha Tata Power, India’s largest integrated power utility, has announced that it has taken over the management of the Central Electricity Supply Utility of Odisha (CESU), after receiving the […]

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Five of the World’s Largest Offshore Wind Energy Farms

A list of five of the world’s largest offshore wind energy farms which are currently in operation, and a few upcoming projects that can disrupt these rankings. Offshore Wind Energy is a technology that just a decade ago was struggling to establish long term viability, even as Onshore wind energy was making giant strides.  There […]

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Interview with Krishan Sharma, Vice President – Asia, ReneSola

For Krishan Kumar Sharma, a 12 year journey in the solar sector has taken him to Renesola, a leading module manufacturer, where he is the Vice President, South Asia. With his wide exposure to the solar markets in Asia, and through Renesola, the world, we caught up with him to get a view on the […]

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