solar business

Viz-A-Viz with Sunil Rathi, Director Sales & Marketing | WAAREE ENERGIES

Q. First and foremost, could you brief a little about Waaree’s current business presence in the Indian solar market? Waaree has been a techno-leader when it comes to innovation in solar domain. Talking about company’s current business portfolio in the Indian solar market, Waaree has been ardently working towards delivering superior product line laden with […]

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ReneSola Connects 90MW of Distributed Generation Projects in China

ReneSola’s rooftop project business in China continues to gain traction, and remains optimistic about the opportunities ahead. ReneSola Ltd, a leading solar project developer and operator has announced that it connected over 90MW of rooftop projects in China in the second half of 2017. It intends to hold over 70MW of these projects and provided […]

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Rays Future Energy Executes 60MW of Capacity Under Open Access In India

Rays Future Energy will focus on the development of the private off-taker market to provide renewable energy solutions to the private off-taker market under both the distributed and open access based models over the next few years, starting with Karnataka. Rays Future Energy, a subsidiary of integrated solar power company Rays Power Infra, said it […]

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Fronius India Aims to Double Turnover in Two Years

Fronius India plans to expand their solar inverter business by entering east and central India, where they see tremendous opportunities for growth.   Fronius India, one of India’s leading supplier of solar PV string inverters, is aiming to double its turnover by fiscal 2019. Commenting on aiming to achieve a considerable increase in market share, […]

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Battery Costs in Stationary Energy Could Fall by up to 66%, Grow 17-Fold by 2030: IRENA

The cost of battery storage for stationary applications could fall by up to 66 per cent by 2030, according to a new report published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The falling price of batteries could stimulate 17-fold growth of installed battery storage, opening up a number of new commercial and economic opportunities, the […]

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Schneider Electric Commits Generate Electricity From 100% Renewable Energy by 2030

The commitments are yet another step in Schneider Electric’s journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity and is throwing light on the doubling of its energy productivity. The company strongly believes it cannot go renewable without […]

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INDIA Marches Ahead

As 2017 comes to an end, it is worth taking a holistic look at the Indian solar market to analyze key trends, challenges and outlook. By many accounts, the Indian solar power industry is on a roll. According to a report released by consulting firm Bridge to India, India is expected to reach an installed […]

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HEEDING the Call for CYBER SECURITY in Renewable Energy

This is a challenge, but even more so, it is an opportunity to advance the collective technologies towards the attainment of solar cyber security worldwide. In 2012, a computer virus, dubbed Stuxnet, disabled 1000 of Iran’s 5000 centrifuges, detailing a joint US-Israel cyber security attack on Iran that undermined its nuclear enrichment facilities. In 2014, Unit […]

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IESA Signs MoU with IGEF to Promote Energy Storage

IESA is going to host 5th edition of the India Energy Storage Alliance conference in New Delhi from 10th to 12th January 2018 India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF) to promote and facilitate energy storage business among various Germany and Indian stakeholders. The […]

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