solar and wind

The Sunshine Sector’s Gender Challenge

Why the solar sector needs to have more women As yet another International Women’s Day (IWD) came around on 8th March this year, the theme this year was ‘Balance for Better’- A balanced world is a better world. That got us thinking about the solar sector in India. The many industry conferences with their rare […]

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Self-Sustaining Micro Home by Nice Architects, the Ecocapsule

The Ecocapsule Micro Home includes details designed to boost energy efficiency, from a water filtration system to a roof outfitted with solar panels and a wind turbine.  Designed by Bratislava-based Nice Architects, Ecocapsule is a self-sustainable smart house powered solely by solar and wind energy. It allows you to live off-the-grid. These unique and self-sustainable mobile micro-homes […]

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GE to Modernise Rajasthan’s Transmission Grid

GE will modernise the Rajasthan Transmission Grid with First-of-Its-Kind Advanced Grid Management Project in India, becoming the first state to implement game-changing power transmission technology. GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions business today announced that it has been awarded a technology-driven grid modernisation project by Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (RRVPL) as part of the […]

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Fitch Ratings Assigns BB(EXP) Rating to ReNew’s USD Notes

Fitch Ratings has assigned an expected rating of ‘BB (EXP)’ to the proposed US dollar fundraising of ReNew RG II. Fitch Ratings has assigned an expected rating of ‘BB (EXP)’ to the proposed US dollar fundraising of ReNew RG II, which is a restricted group of subsidiaries owned by ReNew Power Ltd.  “The rating of the proposed notes reflects […]

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In Renewables, it’s No Less Than a ‘Revolution’ Underway in India. WSDS 2019

At the World Sustainable Development Summit, India’s renewable push came up for appraisal, with everyone agreeing that it was no less than a revolution when seen from most metrics. At a panel chaired by Ajay Shankar of TERI, Anand Kumar, Secretary, MNRE, Vineet Mittal of the Avaada Energy Group representing the private sector, David Nelson […]

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Govt. implements various programs/schemes for promotion of grid interactive renewable energy

The Government is already implementing various programs/schemes for promotion of grid interactive renewable energy such as solar, wind, bio-power and small hydro power in the country. The details of major steps taken by the Government to attract investment in the renewable energy sector are as follows: – Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges […]

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Ignored in the Budget, The Renewables Sector Needs Marketing Lessons

With the ‘Interim’ Budget finally, behind us, it’s a good time for the renewables sector to take a look at just why the sector was ignored, more or less, when it comes to any major policy announcements in the budget. Of course, blaming ‘interim’ would be an easy way out. It’s clearly not a case […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director | India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA)

High Time for Policymakers to take Decisive Action If we really want to tap into the country’s estimated 300GWh of storage opportunity in the next four years for domestic manufacturing, this is high time for policymakers to take decisive action, believes Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA), a membership driven alliance […]

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Sodium Ion Battery Research to Power Up RE Storage

Longer life and increased capacity for a new technology battery that could be the workhorse of a renewable energy grid. A team of researchers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), led by Dr. George Nelson, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering is studying the effect of charging cycles on the structure of […]

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