solar and wind

How World Record Low Solar Prices Moved Out of India

Back in 2016, when Acme Solar surprised, nay, shocked everyone with a bid of Rs 2.44 per KwH at the newly launched solar auctions, everyone celebrated. It was believed that much like telecom, the era of lowest cost solar in India had also arrived. A long, sustained boom was duly predicted, and many of todays […]

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Iberdrola Targeting Japan, Acquires 3.3 GW Offshore Wind Pipeline

Iberdrola is targeting the Japanese market as a new platform for growth in renewable energy, specifically in the field of offshore wind. Spanish major Iberdrola is targeting the Japanese market as a new platform for growth in renewable energy, specifically in the field of offshore wind. The company has reached an agreement with Macquarie’s Green […]

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Tender Issued for 100 MW Wind Projects in Bangladesh

BPDB has tendered for selection of project sponsors for implementation of wind power projects of 100 MW (50 MW x 2) capacity at two sites in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) has issued a tender for the selection of project sponsors for the implementation of grid-tied wind power projects having a capacity of […]

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Visaka Industries Granted 20-year Patent Rights for ATUM Solar Roof

Visaka Industries has been granted a 20-year patent for its ATUM Solar Roof, for the invention titled “Eco-Friendly Energy Generating Roof.” Visaka Industries Limited has been granted a 20-year patent for its ATUM Solar Roof. The patent has been granted for the invention titled “Eco-Friendly Energy Generating Roof.” ATUM is a roof that generates electricity. […]

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GE, EDF and Mitsui to Build 87 MW Wind Farm in Morocco

GE Renewable Energy has been selected by EDF RE and Mitsui & Co to supply equipment for the 87 MW Taza onshore wind farm in Morocco. GE Renewable Energy has announced that it has been selected by EDF RE and Mitsui & Co to supply equipment for the 87 MW Taza onshore wind farm. Twenty-seven […]

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Gujarat Govt Revises Policy for Wasteland Allocation for RE Parks

The state government of Gujarat has revised its policy for allocating wasteland for renewable energy i.e. wind, solar and hybrid (wind and solar) power parks. According to the new provisions, the renewable project/ park developer(s) will have a period of 3 years from the date of handing over of the sites to build a minimum […]

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Target 2030. New Zealand Ruling Party Promises Early Arrival at 100% Renewable Energy

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s ruling labour Party in New Zealand has become one of the earliest ‘significant’ economies to promise a transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030. The country was earlier committed to reaching the target by 2035.  Saying that New Zealand needs stable, sustainable and affordable energy to ensure its future energy […]

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GE Renewable Energy Selected for 157 MW Wind Projects in Austria

GE Renewable Energy has been selected by the PÜSPÖK Group as the supplier for two wind projects located in the Burgenland region in Austria. GE Renewable Energy has announced that it has been selected by the PÜSPÖK Group as the supplier for two wind projects located in the Burgenland region in Austria. The 157 MW […]

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BP Takes 50% Stake in two Offshore Wind Projects of Equinor for $1.1 Bn

Equinor has entered into an agreement with BP to sell 50% interest in two offshore wind assets on the US east coast at a reported USD 1.1 billion value Equinor has announced that it has entered into an agreement with BP to sell 50 percent non-operated interests in the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind assets […]

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