solar and wind

South Africa’s Eskom Plans $7.2 B Investment in Wind & Solar

South African electricity public utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. is planning to invest 106 billion rand, or $7.2 billion, in wind and solar power by the end of the decade. Eskom, which accounts for two-fifths of the nation’s greenhouse gas output, may execute its plan either independently or through a partnership. A few months ago, South […]

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EC Approves $ 6.7 billion Scheme in France for Rooftop Solar

Rooftop solar development in France is set to get a big fillip with the European Commission approving a $6.7bn (€5.7bn) scheme to support renewable power generation from small solar installations located on buildings. France is also a founding member of the International Solar Association. Approved under European Union (EU) state aid rules, the scheme will […]

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Uzbekistan’s First utility Scale Solar Plant of 100 MW Commissioned

Uzbekistan, the central asian republic has inaugurated its first utility-scale solar plant, a 100MW site developed by the UAE’s Masdar. Agreements to build the project had been signed between Masdar and the government of Uzbekistan and JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) in 2019. The agreements covered all aspects of design, finance, build, own […]

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AC Energy, ib vogt to Install 300 MWdc Solar Projects in the Philippines

Philippines-Based AC Energy Corporation (ACEN), an energy platform of Ayala, is planning to partner with the Singapore unit of German firm ib vogt for the installation of at least 300 MWdc of solar power projects in the country. In a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), ACEN said its executive committee cleared the company’s plan […]

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Global Solar Installations Reached 138.2 GW in 2020

Despite the continued impact of COVID-19, a massive 138.2 GW of solar was installed in 2020, representing an 18% increase compared to 2019, in yet another global annual installation record for the global solar PV sector, finds a new report by SolarPower Europe. SolarPower Europe, the new EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association), has released its […]

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Occupier Demand for Green Buildings Grew in 2020, Says Study

In any given year, the construction, operation and decommissioning of buildings will be responsible for roughly 40% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. A new study has probed the attitudes of the sector’s people to open a window on our collective prospects of avoiding climate catastrophe. It claims that around three-fifths of its surveys’ respondents globally […]

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Solar Power As CSR Lights Up Temple In Sri Lanka Now

Sri Lanka, which otherwise has very good weather conditions for solar power generation, is finally changing, and changing fast. Close on the heels of the government making plans to ramp up renewable energy generation from solar and wind, comes this story of a firm using Solar energy as a CSR initiative at a temple. Rooftop […]

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China Surpasses Germany to Claim #2 in Offshore Wind Rankings

China has overtaken Germany as the world’s second largest offshore wind market with 7.9 GW of operational capacity, shows a new Global Offshore Wind report. The World Forum Offshore Wind’s first semi-annual report for 2021 also finds that global offshore wind installations reached 34,137 MW at the end of June. This demonstrates a slowdown in […]

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Solar Recycling Is Becoming A Race Against Time

In the last two decades, millions of solar panels have been installed, with an expected lifetime of between 25 and 30 years. That means  over the coming years, a trickle of discarded panels will gradually turn into a flood, requiring effective recycling techniques to be in place soon. Solar recycling technologies, have their task cut […]

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