solar technology

Solar Power Technology Continues To Wait On the Promise Of Perovskite Cells

Scientists today are using perovskite materials, named after a little known 19th Century Russian mineralogist and nobleman Count Lev Perovski, to make solar cells more efficient and adaptable than ever before. The material was first discovered in Russia’s Ural Mountains in 1839 by Gustav Rose and became fairly common in later decades wherein it was […]

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New Technology from PNU Makes Foldable Solar Cells a Practical Reality

With the recent development of foldable mobile phone screens, research on foldable electronics has never been so intensive. One particularly useful application of foldable technology is in solar panels. Current solar cells are restricted to rigid, flat panels, which are difficult to store in large numbers and integrate into everyday appliances, including phones, windows, vehicles, […]

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Technology to generate solar energy continues to evolve and its global reach does not stop

Innovation in photovoltaic equipment technology continues to grow and its rate of expansion has not stopped despite the strong pandemic. On August 8th, 9th and 10th, the largest Solar Fair in the world SNEC 2020 was held in Shanghai, China. During the event, the latest innovations in equipment for photovoltaic systems were presented and conferences […]

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5 Reasons Why Rooftop Solar Needs to Make The Technology Jump

Pick Smart India’s ambitious solar targets of 100 GW by 2022, and 450 GW by 2030, are largely built around massive ramp ups in large scale deployments, or ‘utility scale’ solar. These comprise designated solar parks, even ultra large parks, and other hundred MW plus installations that will feed into the grid directly. But the […]

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Silfab, Morgan to Produce Solar Modules with Optical-Film Technology for Enbridge

Morgan Solar, a light management technology company, has announced the sale of 13.6 MWDC of its bifacial solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to Enbridge, a leading energy infrastructure company. Further, these solar panels will be embedded with performance-boosting SimbaX technology and will be manufactured by Silfab Solar under an exclusive license agreement between the two companies. […]

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JinkoSolar Unveils New Tiger Module With Tiling Ribbon Technology

JinkoSolar has officially launched a new high-efficiency “Tiger” module using 9-busbar Mono PERC and Tiling Ribbon technology at All-Energy Australia 2019   JinkoSolar, one of the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers in the world, has announced that it has officially launched a new high-efficiency “Tiger” module using 9-busbar Mono PERC and Tiling Ribbon […]

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RenewSys Launched Advanced Technology Improving Solar Affordability and Accessibility at REI 2019

Key innovations launched – Luminous Backsheet, Floating Solar – Backsheet & Encapsulant Innovation Hub at RenewSys striving to reduce LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) – will benefit module manufacturers, installers and end consumers looking to install solar PV RenewSys, the 1st integrated manufacturer of Solar PV Modules (also known as solar panels), Encapsulants, Backsheets and […]

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LONGi Solar Unveils New Module Encapsulation Technology

The Seamless Soldering technology, when combined with innovative module design, has the potential to push the company’s high-efficiency PERC module power record to 500Wp. Chinese solar PV major, LONGi Solar has announced that the company has developed the technology of “Seamless Soldering”, which completely eliminates the gap between cells and increases the efficiency of PV modules. […]

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Breakthrough in Affordable Technology to Harness Solar Power

The most affordable, efficient way to harness the cleanest, most abundant renewable energy source in the world is one step closer to reality. A University of Toledo physicist is pushing the performance of solar cells to levels never before reached and has made a significant breakthrough in the chemical formula and process to make the […]

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