solar technology

Liverpool Uni Researchers Develop Stable Electrolyte for Li-O2 Batteries

Researchers at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with Johnson Matthey PLC and Loughborough University, are working on developing stable and practical electrolytes for lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries (or lithium-air battery). They have advanced new theories on the subject, whose execution can create greater energy storage capacity than that offered by the conventional lithium-ion battery. In a […]

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German Scientists Redesign Stack to Make Cheaper Redox Flow Batteries

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, located in Germany, claim that thorough redesigning the stack, they have contrived a way to bring down production costs of redox flow batteries which are used to store renewable energy. As a result, Christian Doetsch and Lukas Kopietz from Fraunhofer UMSICHT and Dr. Thorsten Seipp […]

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UK Charts Course for Net Zero North Sea: WoodMac

Ambitious transition deal sets tough targets as UKCS players face tricky balancing act The UK government and the country’s oil and gas sector recently agreed a deal to leverage the upstream industry’s capabilities, accelerate the energy transition and help the North Sea reach net zero by 2050. A significant opportunity exists to create a supply […]

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India, Israel, UAE Sign Maiden Trilateral Trade Agreement

At a recent event organised by the International Federation of Indo-Israel Chambers of Commerce (IFIICC) to discuss the ongoing business collaborations being pursued through IFIICC’s leadership across sectors, India, Israel and the UAE signed  their maiden trilateral agreement. The partnership has been initiated by IFIICC, as part of which an Israel-based company, Ecoppia, is producing an […]

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Pakistan Must Shift Focus from Coal to Renewable Energy: IEEFA

There is no second life for coal Pakistan’s intention to use coal for power production through gasification and liquefaction technologies is likely to cause harmful economic impacts and a subsequent increased reliance on fossil fuels in Pakistan, finds a new report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). Pakistan’s intention to explore […]

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Commissioning Engineer

The Commissioning Engineer will be based in Hyderabad. Onboarding will be virtual for the time being with occasional socially distanced meetings at a Nextracker office. In this position, you will report to the Customer Service Manager  and will be responsible for testing and commissioning of on-site customer systems per the arranged schedule with the client, […]

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IHS Renewables Markets Attractiveness 2020 Rankings: US #1; India #6

London-based American-British information provider IHS Markit Ltd has released the results of another Global Renewables Markets Attractiveness Rankings for the period ending December 2020, which tracks the world’s countries’ attractiveness for investment for non-hydro renewables (offshore wind, onshore wind and solar PV). As the Biden Administration aims to significantly increase federal investment in renewable energy under […]

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Demand for Clean Minerals to Rise while Pursuing ‘Net-zero’ Goals: IEA

In the most comprehensive global study yet, IEA shows need for government action to ensure reliable, sustainable supplies of elements vital for EVs, power grids, wind turbines and other key technologies Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming […]

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Meghalaya to Empanel Developers for Renewable Energy Projects

Meghalaya has issued an EOI for the empanelment of developers for setting up renewable energy projects under different models in the state. The Power Department of the Government of Meghalaya has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the empanelment of firms/ developers for setting up renewable energy projects including hydro, solar, wind, and biomass […]

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