solar power systems

GoodWe Tops Among Global Hybrid Inverter Suppliers in 2019: Report

With more than 15 percent global market share, a leading solar photovoltaic (PV) inverter manufacturer, GoodWe ranked No.1 among hybrid inverter suppliers globally, as per the global energy research & consultancy firm. According to the report published by Wood Mackenzie, or WoodMac, titled ‘Global PV Inverter Market Shares Full-Year 2019’, GoodWe has been ranked no. […]

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PV Is Entering The AI Era- Huawei Leaders

A special contribution from Tony Xu, President of Huawei Ascend Computing Business and Chen Guoguang, President of Huawei Smart PV Business, on the next big thing for PV’s. Artificial Intelligence, (AI) 1 AI Enables All Industries We are entering a fully connected, intelligent world. Over the last few years, AI has become a high-frequency word, […]

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Importance of Using Storage with Increasing Renewable Energy

Background and Context The Government of India has announced ambitious targets for Renewable Energy (RE) capacity addition, and the Country is rapidly adding Wind and Solar generation in the energy mix. However, there are some well accepted issues associated with RE power – such as intermittency, fluctuations owing to weather changes, and limited forecasting/ scheduling […]

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Solis 110kw String Inverter for Commercial Rooftop Applications

1. PRODUCT PROFILE Solis 110kW is designed to achieve low LCOE in commercial installations, increasing system returns through a more intelligent, reliable, efficient and secure string inverter technology solution. Solis is making full use of its fifth-generation technology platform in its new 110kW string inverter designed for commercial rooftop applications. The fifth-generation platform incorporates industry […]

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ST’s iNEMO Sensors Offer Machine-Learning Technology for Industrial and Consumer Applications

French-Italian semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics (ST) has now extended the benefits of its motion-detection machine-learning core (MLC) technologies for industrial and high-end consumer applications with its latest ISM330DHCX and LSM6DSRX 6-axis iNEMO™ inertial measurement units (IMU). The company claims that this MLC can perform basic AI pre-processing of motion data using about 0.001 times the power a typical microcontroller (MCU) would consume […]

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Grid Imbalance Becoming An Issue For RE in Australia-Woodmac

Wood Mackenzie (Woodmac), the global research firm  has highlighted the hurdles renewables energy growth is facing in Australia. The firm says that while the  renewable energy  project pipeline in the National Electricity Market (NEM) remains massive at 67 gigawatts (GW) capacity (6GW under construction and 61GW in announced projects), the current conversion rate to firm […]

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ADB Grants $346 Mn Loan for Rural Electricity in Maharashtra

ADB has approved a USD 346 million loan to help provide an efficient and reliable power connection to rural agriculture customers in Maharashtra. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a USD 346 million loan to India to help provide an efficient and reliable power connection to rural agriculture customers in the state of Maharashtra. […]

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Growatt among Top 10 Global PV Inverter Suppliers in 2019: Report

With total shipments reached more than 126 GW (or 126,735 MW), the global photovoltaic (PV) inverter shipments grew by 18 percent in 2019 on a y-o-y basis, as said by the global energy research & consultancy firm. As per the new analysis done by Wood Mackenzie, or popularly known as WoodMac, the top 10 global […]

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