solar power plant

Game of Forecast

As per F&S regulations, it is clear that the wind and solar power generators connected to the State grid shall, either by themselves or through a QCA or through an Aggregator, Considering National Action Plan on Climate Change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), India’s national policies and other initiatives encouraging renewable, India has a massive target […]

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Argentina Expects up to USD 3 Billion in Renewable Energy Projects

Argentina believes between $2.5 billion and $3 billion in investment in renewable energy projects Argentina believes between $2.5 billion and $3 billion in investment in renewable energy projects after its government awarded projects to generate 1,408 megawatts (MW) of power, and promised to increase that amount to 2,000 MW. According to the Ministry of Energy […]

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Companies Spend Just 6 Percent of CSR Fund on Clean Energy: Report

Key findings of the report showcase that while Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes in education, sanitation or skills and livelihood have seen a dramatic increase, while it remain low for clean energy and energy access. A report released by Samhita Social Ventures showcases that Indian companies are spending a mere 6 percent of their CSR […]

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Indian renewable energy companies among lowest rated: Report

India’s renewable energy companies has poor score on investments in Asia-Pacific region says Fitch According to a report released by ratings agency Fitch, India’s renewable energy companies are among the most poorly rated investment grade companies in the Asia-Pacific region. “Most of the issuers are owned by their respective sovereigns due to the strategic importance […]

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IEA Predicts India Will Lead the World in Clean Energy By 2040

Rapid deployment of solar photovoltaics (PV), led by China and India, will help solar energy become the largest source of low-carbon capacity The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts India is likely to lead global energy demand growth surpassing China and the US by 2040. In its latest World Energy Outlook, published by the International Energy […]

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Renewable Electricity’s Spanish Support Scheme Approved by the European Commission

The scheme has around 40,000 beneficiaries. In 2016, the annual payments under the scheme amounted to €6.4 billion. The Spanish scheme supporting electricity generation from renewable energy sources, high efficiency co generation of heat and power and waste, the European Commission has found it to be in line with EU State aid rules. The scheme […]

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Two PV Projects for Pakistan and Brazil Allotted to Siemens

The Bahawalpur PV project in Pakistan will have a generation capacity of 100MW, but is also expected to be expanded to a capacity of 300MW in the near future The two PV projects based out in Brazil and Pakistan has been sanctioned for the installation and the German technology company Siemens has received the contract […]

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Market for Digitalization in Energy Sector to Grow to $64Bn by 2025

Digital technologies for fossil fuel operation and maintenance are big business today, but activity is shifting towards services for distributed renewables and the connected home. New energy innovations will be centered on digital technologies and the strategic use of data, according to new research published today. A shift is coming in the energy industry from […]

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Efforts to Address Climate through Clean Energy Lag in Emerging Markets

Two years post-Paris, Climatescope research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights slowing investment from OECD countries and limited policy-making follow-through in non-OECD nations. Two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement and eight years after Copenhagen, countries on both sides of the rich-poor divide are falling short on promises made to address climate […]

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